Chapter 4

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I groaned dramatically and made my way wobbly down yet another identical looking corridor, dragging my green nike bag behind me.

This morning had not been a great start to my new life. First of all, I woke up almost having a heart attack. For some reason, one of the girls in in my room set her alarm for 5am, 'to not be late', so she said. The alarm noise was basically a fire siren that was so loud that someone from next door had pounded on our wall, yelling at her to be quiet. Brilliant. This caused me to fall off the bed in shock, earning me a nice bruise on my forehead. Brilliant yet again. One of the few information that I heard last night was that we had to be down on pool deck at 9am, so why did she have to get up almost 4 hours before to 'get ready', I don't know... Every five minutes she walked from the bathroom to the bedroom, turning the light on... You get the point, either way, it was awful. Luckily I fell asleep and didn't wake up until ten to nine. Now because I was basically the last person to start heading down, I was completely lost and had no idea how to even return to my room. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

I groaned again and looked back in the direction from which I had just came. I had probably walked past the same pot plant around five times now. I was going to lose my sanity any time soon.

"Ok, pot plant. It's time for you to reveal yourself. Come on, I know you're alive." I whispered and had a stare down with the plant. "Stop it! Just stop confusing me, I have somewhere to go! I have a life, I have family, I really NEED TO GET TO THE POOL ON TIME!" I almost yelled at the poor plant and swung my bag at it. Yep, someone was definitely losing their sanity. The plant toppled over and the pottery holding the plant, cracked, spilling the dirt out on the expensive carpeting.

"You know, that plant didn't deserve to be murdered. It could have had some sort of life. A family-" I spun my head around and saw Thad, leaning on the wall, his chestnut hair unbrushed, looking like a younger Einstein, and his famous side loped grin taking up his entire face. I felt my heart instantly warm at the sight of his cheerfully twinkling eyes and amused smile that he showed so rarely. I automatically began to smile but then froze, realising what he had just witnessed.

I was just.." I stammered. "I was just..." He crossed his arms and snickered.

"Yes?" In his eyes I could see a challenge brewing. I stood a little taller and stared at him straight in the eye.

"I was just practising my acting skills. I don't want to be left behind in school work," I said stiffly and with a huff, spun away from him and started to walk down the corridor.

"I see. That was some pretty convincing acting then." Thad said thoughtfully and started walking beside me. "Care to teach me?"

I sighed and looked at his face which was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Why are you following me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well I got a bit lost so I was trying to find someone who looked like they know where they were going." He raised an eyebrow. "You do know where you are going, right?"

"Yes of course!" I said quickly. I pointed to a sign that had appeared miraculously much to my relief. "See! Main Pool on the right."

"Well that's great!" He said brightly and opened the door for me leading to the change rooms. "I thought we were going to wondering around like flaming idiots. I bet the guys watching security cameras would have had a laugh." I winced at that thought.

"Stick with me Moore and you will be all right." I laughed unconvincingly and patted him on the back.

"I think I will take up your offer Dickson." Thad smiled mischievously and winked at me.

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