You know the drill

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Once again I was tagged by the great and awesome bessttie

1. What type of phone do you have?
Uhhh... Is "I don't know" an acceptable answer?

2. Do you have a crush?
Nope. Never have, never will.

3. When is your birthday?
A little secret and I would like to keep it 😄

4. Best friends?
Does my OC count as one? No? Then no one, you can't force me to choose.

5. Favorite song?
I- uh... I don't listen to music...

6. Biggest fear?
Being a disappointment to, or even disappointing, others.

7. Color of your hair?

8. Favorite subject?
Art and science.

9. Favorite sport?
Does tetherball count?

10. Tag 20 people and they have to do it. (Dang it)

1. WakeyWakeySnakey
2. sy3636
3. FatosOzdmr
4. BrooklynDavis7
5. BlaiteYan
6. Crazy_Galaxy_Wolf
7. Faralau
8. imycat22
11. kanga24
12. Pzos10
13. Benny_Dreamer
14. Jcreeps
15. One_Sansy_Gurl
16. FallenKindness
17. CyberOrchid
18. OtakuAnime_Bri33
19. ashtonwilson69
20. Trashandabitweird

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