Chapter 1 - The Unknown Person

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Hey Everyone! This is my 3rd fan-fiction so hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Maka POV

"Soul, Where are you?!?!?!" I yelled 

"No one responded, I should go look for him." I told myself, "I can't feel his soul near me."

Soul POV

"Ugh, where am I? Wait, Maka where are you????" I asked the darkness

"MAKA, WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!" I yelled again

"Wait I thought I heard her a few moments ago?" i said

Maka POV

" Wait was that Soul??" I asked myself 

I started running to where a voice was yelling my name 

"Soul, is it really you???" I asked the person in chains on the floor i said starting to tear up

"Maka, why are you crying?" Soul asked me 

"It is you!" I said giving him a hug & crying

"I asked why you were crying? What happened? If you don't tell me what's wrong I can't help you!" Soul yelled at me I don't like it when he yells at me

I didn't answer I just kept crying and he held me close I'm just glad I found him

"Maka, tell me what's wrong and I'll try to help you, okay?" Soul spoke to me so calmly I didn't want to move because he was holding me in his lap

"I-I was worried about you I couldn't bare to lose you, Soul!" I said to him, "Wait, shoot sorry I didn't mean it in that way-"

I was cut off my Soul.  He was kissing me passionately on the lips, I wanted to pull myself away but it felt so good. Once we pulled away to breathe he spoke something he probably didn't want me to hear but oh I heard him clearly.

"Maka, I'm sorry" Soul said so I couldn't hear him but I did

"It-It's fine I-I didn't mind" I said blushingly 

Then I remembered Soul was in chains 

"Wait, Soul why are you in chains???" I asked while crying

"Actually, that's a good question because I don't know myself." Soul said

"Well, Well if it isn't Soul Eater and his little girlfriend, Maka Albarn. Hahaha!" Someone said

"To let you know Maka is my Meister, not my girlfriend!" Soul yelled at the voice

I feel unneeded now because of how he said that "Maka is my meister, not my girlfriend!" it kept resounding in my head. I started to cry and Soul noticed but didn't care right then because he was dealing with the voice. All i wanted to do was runaway and tell Tsubaki. She's always there for me when I have a fight with Soul. She's always ready for me to tell her but I don't know where she is.

"Who are You?!?!?!" I yelled, "And why is Soul in chains?"

"You two know me. Wow don't remember me?!?!" The voice said

He/She stepped into the light.

"Crona?!?!" Soul and I say in sync


OHH my fave part of writing fanfics the cliffhangers 

1: I don't know if Crona is a girl or boy so that's why I put "He/She

hope y'all enjoyed

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