Chapter 1

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I walked out my house to breathe the fresh air of Los Angeles. My home town.Its the day teenagers dread the most.Including me. First day back to High school.At least it's Senior Year.I started to leave my front porch and made my way to school.

The name is Jessica Lockhart and I am 17 years old.I have long brown that reaches about my waist, and I'm five five Tall.Nothing special. My eye color is chocolatey I hate my best friend because she has bright blue eyes and mine is boring.Talking about best friends I have four.Three of them are boys and the then it's my best friend Perrie.The boys are Zayn, Niall, And Louis. We haven't seen each other all summer because we all spent time with our family.But, Zayn and Perrie spent time with each other since they love each other like crazy.

I continued to walk to the front of my school until I bumped into someone and dropped all their books.I helped picked them up.

"I'm so sorry" I exclaimed to the stranger.I looked up to see a mop of curliness and bright green eyes.

"It's ok.I probably should of looked where I was going."He stumbled over his words while he was talking which was adorable.

"I'm Jessica"

"I'm harr- I mean Mr.Styles. Probably should get used to saying that."He said in a British accent which made me smiled.

"Oh so you're the new English teacher?"I asked as we walked into the the school.

"Yea, I think writing as such a great way to exp-"

"Yo! Jessica over here!"I heard Niall say. I turned around and put up my index finger to indicate to give me a minute.

"That's my friends I guess I should go now."

"It was nice meeting you Jessica."

"You too, Mr.Styles"

I quickly walked over to my friends standing by the lockers.

"Hey guys!" I said as pushing my hair back with my hands.

"Hey!"They all said simultaneously.

"Who was you talking to?"Perrie asked

"Oh, that was the new AP English teacher."

"He looks cute."She replied, Zayn raised an eyebrow at her.


"Umm, as in a dead spider cute.Which is very ugly..."

"Mmmhmm sure."Zayn said and then put an arm around. We all laughed at their little conversation they just had.

The bell for class rings...

"What class you have now?"Louis asked.

"Math" I groaned. Don't get me wrong I love math, it's just the teacher I hate. She so old and boring. Past seniors said that she once put herself to sleep.

My friends laughed at me.

"Good luck!" They all said as I walked away to class.

-40 minutes later-

This class is so boring. I think I died and came back to life. Literally.At least there is only five minutes left off this horrid.

"So class homework tonight is to do page 1 activity D."Ms.Peckler said. Even her name is boring.The class groaned who gives homework on the first day of school.

The bell rings

"Alright class dismissed."

I never seen a group of students run out so fast.Quite hilarious. I looked at my schedule to what I have next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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