On This Night, And In This Light

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"Then again, nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do." he admitted quietly as he stared into her eyes, completely stunned by the honesty threaded behind the words. Imogen appeared to be startled; her blue eyes wide in shock and her lips parted as though as she was about to speak but her mouth was unable to form words.

There was such tenderness in his voice as he continued to search her face with his loving gaze, almost like he was memorising her features and filing them away to memory. Tears sprung into her eyes as she reached up to cover her mouth with her hand, taking an instinctive step backwards out of shock. No one had ever uttered something so sweet and thoughtful to her before, something so raw and honest, and it was overwhelming to be on the receiving end of its intensity. Never in her life had she even dared dream that someone could care about her the way that Elijah apparently did, and the scary part of the situation was that she felt the same way about him.

Elijah slowly let his hand fall from her face when she didn't respond in anyway other than to take a step backwards and the sting of rejection caused his chest to ache painfully as he tried to mask the hurt he was feeling. He had years of practice hiding his true emotions from his siblings and so it was relatively easy to simply let the emotionless mask fall into place when he needed it. He ducked his head as he cleared his throat discreetly and he started to walk away, heading back inside the bedroom as he resisted the urge to look back in her direction.

Imogen dropped her hand from her mouth in displeasure as she watched his retreating form, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she swallowed roughly as she turned her head away from him for a moment before realising that she hadn't responded to his confession. Panic surged through her veins as her eyes widened in horror when she realised that he must have mistaken her silence for rejection and she quickly took a step forward as she called out softly in a slightly raised voice, "Elijah..."

The Original came to a stop in the middle of her bedroom, turning around to look at her inquisitively with his hands in his pants pockets and she hesitated a moment before crossing the room towards him in long strides. Oak brown eyes watched her approach, his pupils dilating with lust as her hands came up to frame his face and she stood up on her toes so that she could angle his head downwards. Their lips melded together in a passionate kiss as both of their eyes fluttered closed and he instinctively placed a hand on her waist as the other reached up to cup the back of her head, his fingers weaving into her brunette hair.

Imogen poured everything she had into that kiss, every single thing she felt went into that one gesture, because he had to know and she wasn't sure of any other way to express how she felt. She sunk into him, losing herself in the feel of his lips, of his hands, but it was the kind of lost that was exactly like being found. The scent of him surrounded her senses and it was intoxicating, liberating, and everything inside of her was screaming at her to never let him go, to never give up the feeling for him holding like he was the only thing keeping her together.

Elijah felt his body tighten with need as she melded against him perfectly, his hold on her hip subconsciously tightening in the process and she pulled back from the kiss with a soft gasp that was a mixture of pleasure and pain. The sound sent a spark of electricity through his body, going directly to his crotch and he kept his eyes closed for a moment to compose himself as she panted to catch her breath.

When he finally opened his eyes he found himself staring into the vibrant blue eyes, lust burning deep within their depths and he rested his forehead against hers as their lips ghosted across one another. Heat coursed through his veins as he gazed down at her swollen lips, loosening his grip on her hip as he moved to take a step backwards so their bodies weren't pressed up against. Imogen shook her head minutely with a small scoff escaping her as she curled her fingers in lapel of his suit jacket and he frowned in confusion as she maintained eye contact while walking backwards, dragging him with her as she went.

Bring Me To Life | The Originals (1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz