
"Good now wash me bitch." he jokes turning around making us laugh.

"Hold up one condition." I say once I get myself under control.

"What's that?"

"You walk down that isle."

"More than happy to."

"Good i'll tell mom." he nods and we finish our bath.

A couple of days later we are sitting around showing Beau the wedding plans we had from before.

"That's going to be our wedding?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah unless you want to change something."

"We picked this out?"

"Well some, mom did most of it. We got the final say."

"Isn't it big?"

"I wanted y'all to have a big wedding." mom scoffs.

"I know I feel your pain. We tried for a small one but she wasnt having it. We were both good with small. So that being said." I sigh heavily looking at mom.

"I'm not going to like this am I?"

"No but this needs to be small mom. Just close friends and family."

"Why?" she whines.

"Because Beaus attackers have not been caught yet. What if they decide to come after him?"

"Don't you think your being over protective again besides wouldn't they have already came after?"

"Probably but once word gets out that he is getting married there's going to be a frenzy look what happen when word got out he was awake and has amnesia. We had to put guards on him for a month mom." Beau was famous during his football days. Not like there over or anything. When this happen reporters and fans hounded me, mom, all of our friends for about six months until they decided he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. As soon as they heard he was awake they started up again but once they found out he has amniesa they backed off again waiting for him to gain his memory. We still get hounded by a few of them but it's not as bad. They are pretty much easy to ignore. It's the swarm of them that's difficult.

"I still don't see a problem." she says.

"Mom." I groan. "Once word gets out he's marring his high school love then they are going to assume he has his memory back. If that is said then his attackers could come back thinking Beau is going to say something."

"Small and guarded." says Jack. Mom gives him the evil eye. "Honey he has a point. Right now they don't care because he can't remember as soon as word gets out they will think that he got his memory back and might try to come after him."

"I know. Fine okay small and well keep it quiet."

"Thanks mom." I say.

"Thanks mom." Beau says.

"But you owe me for this. I want three grandchildren now."

"Well do our best." I say laughing. Mom was on us wanting two but now it's three. "Wait Beau might have changed his mind on wanting kids. He might not want them now."

"No I want kids but how are we going to get them?"

"Adoption, surrogate. I don't care. I just want three."

"Fine with me." he says.

"You've always wanted two." I whisper in his ear. He just shrugs.

"Three sounds better to me what about you?"

"I don't have a problem with it. I've wanted four." I shrug.

"No threes good." he chuckles.

"Three it is." mom chirps.

"A small, quiet, guarded wedding." I say.

"Okay. I'll just cross out the most of the guest list."

"Send the invites as late as you can." I tell her. "Put private, hush hush wedding in there somewhere." I'm being serious here. I almost lost him once I don't want to go thru that again.

"What's all this?" Sammie says walking into the dinning room. Then her eyes go wide and she starts......squealing.

"Oh my god shut up." I groan shaking my head. I really hate when she squeals.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Your getting married. When? Where? What time? I need a new dress. New shoes. Oh my god on my god it's about time. I didn't think you guys were ever going to get married. Wait your marrying each other right? Because if not forget it I'm not going. Tristan we are NOT going to that wedding. If Beau and Liam are not getting married to each other it will be a cold day in hell before I go to either one of their weddings. Oh my god. Please don't tell me your marrying that ass Chris? Jesus Beau what is wrong with you? Did you really lose that many brain cells? Go back and find them. Your not marrying him. I won't let you. Stop him Liam. You can't let that asshole take him like that. What's wrong with you? Did you lose some brain cells when Beau did? I swear Liam you better fucking stop this right now!" we all just stare at her as she rants when she's done we bust out laughing.

"Done bubble butt?" I ask once I get me self under control.

"Good god why the hell are y'all laughing?! This is no laughing matter! We have to stop him from marrying that scumbag!" she tells at us.

"His not!" I yell at her to get her attention. "We are getting married as soon as Beau can walk down the isle."

"Oh thank god. I thought I was going to have to kill you both."

"Congrats dude. You sure you wanna do this?" Tristan ask Beau.

"More than sure." he says with missing a beat.

"What about you Liam? What about...you know?" Sammie ask me. She knows my fears.

"More than anything. He gave a convincing speech the other day."

"What was the speech?"

"None your business. It's between Beau, me and the bathroom wall."

"Gross don't want to hear about your sex life."

"Nobody said anything about sex you perv."

"Please. You two plus bathroom equals sex."

"What's that suppose mean?" Beau ask.

"We just always use to take showers together." I tell him shrugging.

"Please. I got tired of waiting for y'all every time we went and did something so I started calling ahead. Those weren't showers. Those were porn shows."

"Believe me I walked in on one." Tristan mutters horrified.

"I told you not to go in there but did you listen to me? Noooo." Sammie tells him.

"I thought it was the spare bedroom shower going."

"Never go into any bathroom with the shower running." she snickers.

"I know that now." he groans.

"Okay enough with our sex life back to the wedding plans." I but in.

"I noticed you did say non existent sex life." mom says. I look at her wiggling my brow. "Okay I get it. Plans. Please."

"You said it." I tell her. She scrunches her face.

"Yeah one of these days I'll learn to keep my mouth shut."



The Jock and the Emo Part 2 BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now