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5 years later.

That day I didn't waste any time. We hauled ass home made love. The following week we got married. It was a big wedding. With Blaine in jail. Along with his followers. He confessed and turned on them for a reduced sentence. He still got the maximum sentence but he also gets time off for good behavior. At first the judge wasn't even going to give him that. Then he turned them in and she gave it to him. So he got put away for a long time. For kidnapping, stalking, and attempted murder he got 25 years plus parole after that but will probably spent 15 to 20. His buddies only got 20 and they have to spend the 20. They won't get time off for good behavior. So we had a big wedding. All of our friends, family, the football team, the teachers, Jacks family. Even family I haven't seen in years came. Mom called and said it was time to let them back in our lives. Even a few newspapers, magazine and tv reporters came. For some stupid reason they wanted the inside info. You know star quarterback marries high school love bull crap. Yeah we didn't see the point. Yeah how many quarterbacks marries their high school love. Several I suppose. But...yes there's a but. After we got back from our honeymoon which we spent in Jamaica courtesy of Jack. We read the papers and watched the shows. Apparently it wasn't because a star quarterback married his high school love. It was because a GAY up and coming NFL quarterback star married his high school love. With DRAMA. You know stalked, kidnapping, murder plots, amnesia, paralyzed bullshit. Blah blah blah. I guess it sold papers so why not. We still didn't see the point. So what if he's gay. A quarterback. He made it clear if you want me you get me gay and all. That's what happen to. After our month long awesome honeymoon we came back for him to go to camp. He worked his ass off. He got better than he was before. He played senior year of collage going out with a bang. They came home with a bowl ring. Zero losses that year. Scouts were really tripping themselves and anybody else that got in their way up. Their we a few teams said hide your gayness and marriage and we'll offer more money. Beaus answer was 'shove it up your ass' and slammed the door in their face. He still got on a one of the top teams with a pocket full of change. Yeah its sweet. We now live in a huge mansion. Just us and it sucks. This big house just two people. Sure friends and family come visit us when they can but it's just so far away. And Beau is gone most of the time. No I'm not complaining. I love the fact he's living his dream of becoming a NFL star. Sure I got friends I hangout with when he isn't home but it's just not the same with him gone traveling. I go to every home game and some away to but I can't go to everyone. I work to ya know. Sure it's from home but I still have work deadlines all that good stuff. When he is home we sent everyone away. No disruptions. We spend it together. I don't even work because there's no telling how long we got before he's off again. Doing something. He doesn't just play football. He trains he practices has camps blah blah blah he coaches. Yes coaches. He knows he won't be able to play in the NFL for the rest of his life. So after he retires he still wants to be a coach for a high school or university. What better way to learn then coach your on team or the little league. So yeah he's a busy man. And I'm not going to stop him. It's not like I'm lonely or any anything. I have plenty of stuff going on to keep me busy. I just miss him but we make it work. Hence no disruptions when he's home. Nothing but us.

Sammie and Tristen got married the fall after we graduated and are expecting their first child any day now. Seth and Mark I hate to say but broke up. It just wasn't working for them. So they say but are still friends. When we all get together I see the looks they give each other when no ones looking. Wasn't working my ass. They just gave up when it got rocky. Dumbasses. So Seth says he is staying single. Mark dates every once in a while nothing serious. I just hope they see how stupid they are being and get back together. Aaron and tatum did make it. Senior year Aaron transferred schools and they moved in together. They are going to get married this summer. Jamie that dumbass is still going thru girls. I tease him all the time when I see him or talk to him over the phone. That's he's waiting for his tin foiled covered knight to come sweep him off his feet. He tells me he's waiting for his emo Bella. Yeah I'm still waiting for the day he comes to tell me he's gay. Brandon got stupid and married one of Beaus cheerleaders six months after they met. Yeah not a good marriage. She cheats on him constantly. Beau has seen it countless times. Him being best friends with Brandon now told him. Even showed him pictures. They use to get along but after Beau told they don't. It doesn't hurt Beaus feeling at all. His friend was more important to him than an aqaintence. He wasn't going to let his best friend live in the dark. But they are still married. For now. Brandon is going to get a divorce considering he is now playing around too. She doesn't want one but doesn't want to stop sleeping around. Brandon is getting one anyway. They meet when the team was in between photographer Beau told his manager about Brandon and they hired him until they found a permeant one. So he came down did the short gig meet her and never left. Moved his business down here. And is more successful. Mom and Jack are still doing really good. Travel all over the world now. Split the companies between dani and Damien and retired. They said they would settle down once me and Beau have kids. Dani and Damien already have a few. They are going to move here. I know doesn't sound fair right? Well mom and Damien don't get along at all and he doesn't visit them anyway. Only let's his kids come and visit once for a week during the summer. He still hate the fact that she has a gay kid and doesn't want his growing up that way. Asshole. Those are Jacks grand kids. As for Dani well she's moving up here anyway. She's married to one of Beau's teammates. They meet when there was a awards ceremony and they got to invite friends and family. Only Beau's family could make. Our friends were busy. So Dani came and meet Rick. And is happily married to him for a year now with a six month old. She's like me. Gets lonely. Hers is worse. While we are here she's stuck in her home town. So she's had enough and is moving here. We can be lonely together. At least with her here she can see him more.

"Hey Liam." Beau sings coming into the kitchen. Well isn't he happy. I turn around and he has a joker grin.

"Uh oh what did you do?"


"Then what's with the face?"

"They found her." he chirps showing me a folder.

"Really?" I ask excitedly.

"Really." he chuckles. I walk over to him snatching the folder out of his hands. I open it and there she is. The mother of our child. Yes child. Surrogate. Black hair blue eyes. Just what we were looking for. You know how hard it was to find her. Hard. We wanted my hair color black and Beau's eyes. We know how unlikely that's going to happen but we are gonna try. We are going to give her Beau's sperm. We are paying a pretty penny for this so it better work. "Before you ask everything is already taken care of except for legal fees. We are paying for everything and giving her a huge lump sum after the baby is in our arms. She'll get inseminated as soon as the papers are signed and will continue until she gets pregnant. That's where I was all day." he says smiling. No we are not having a baby because I'm lonely. We've always wanted kids but it's taken us awhile to find the girl.

"How old is she? Does she know who you are?" I really don't want drama popping up.

"She's 18. Doing it because she wants to go to collage. Yes she knows who I am. But it's all going to be in the contract. She won't be able to say a word or come back later and try to take the baby away from us. If she does she has to pay back every single penny and possible jail time for fraud and breech of contract." He thinks of everything. I know we sound mean. But we want this to go peacefully. No drama and so no one can take our baby way.

"God I love you." I tell him pulling him to me by is waist.

"I love you too." he chuckles.


It's over. I would like to Thank everyone that read comment and voted on this story. Thank You! I really appreciated it. I hop you enjoying reading it. Thank you again.


The Jock and the Emo Part 2 BoyxboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora