Chapter 2

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     Three knocks on the door made Damian opened the door, revealing the former Robin standing right in front of him. Dick smiled awkwardly at Damian as he scratch the back of his neck. "I thought you were leaving" Damian said, opened up a conversation. He didn't let Dick went into his room, though. "Two minutes. Make it quick, Grayson" He continued; folded his arms and glared at Dick. "Sorry about last night. My mind was-" "Troubled with that Red Haired Alien Princess. I can tell because you went to Gotham instead of went straight to Blüdhaven and didn't leave after what happened last night" Damian said cutting off Dick's sentences.

     Dick went silent. Damian turned around to grab his tracking device on his bed. The door's still open and Dick let himself went into Damian's room. "Where are you going?" Dick questioned soon as he realize that Damian was in his Robin uniform and was checking on his tracking device. "Meeting someone" Damian answered as he put back his tracking device on his utility belt and started to walk away. "I would say following someone" Dick said scoffing at Damian who is slowly disappearing from his room.

     A little kid ran towards Raven and riveting her cloak while she's reading her book peacefully. She put a bookmark on the recent page she has been reading, closed it and put in down on the table. "Hi, Witch Girl! My name is Emily and I drew you this!" the little kid named Emily said in excitement as she gave Raven a piece of paper. She could see a drawing of her and the little girl fighting bad guys.

     She swung her hand around the paper and a bubble engulfed it. "Thank you, Emily. I will treasure it. You see, in this bubble, nothing and no one can ever touch it besides me. So it's safe" Raven said as she patted Emily's head. "May you always have courageous and toughness" Raven continued. After Raven said that, the little girl hugged her and ran back to her mother. Little did they know that actually, Raven put a spell on the girl so she will always have bravery in her everyday life.

     "I thought you don't like kids" someone commented. Raven recognized this voice. She upturned to found Damian, in his Robin uniform standing across her. "I am" Raven said. She sipped her tea and swallowed it. "But I appreciate those who cherished me fighting these crimes" she continued. She stretched out her right hand, directing Damian to seat in front of her. People on the tea shop were staring at them. Robin and Raven at the tea shop. But both Damian and Raven don't care anyways.

     Raven put a tracker on top of the table and slid it down to Damian's direction. His eyes were widened because that was the tracker he put on Raven's cloak the second they met. "I'm impressed that you knew it all along" Damian said. He was about to took back the tracker but Raven crushed it with her powers. "What do you want?" Raven questioned as she leaned on the chair, her hands were folded and her eyes were glaring at Damian.

     Damian grabbed his tablet and showed her a picture of his mother. "Talia al Ghul. The daughter of Ra's al Ghul, your mother" Raven informed after she saw a picture of Talia. Damian narrowed his eyes as if he questioned about how did she know so much about his mother. "I know plenty about Al Ghuls. They are demons who loves to extends their lifespan through the use of Lazarus Pits"

     "Eight years ago, the League of Assassins was planning to brainwash a number of world leaders at a tech summit held by my father. They failed, however mother managed to escape" Damian said, explaining in lowest tone as he could. "She's smart. Tracking her down wasn't easy" Damian continued. Raven sipped her tea until it finished and swallowed it. "You saying that you wanted my help on searching Talia" Raven said as she put down the cup on the table.

     "No, what I was trying to say was maybe you want to join in order to search mother because I've seen your powers and abilities last night" Damian explained, confuted his true meaning of his statement.

     Raven swung her hand around them as a dark purplish power engulfed them and in a split second, they were transported into her apartment, again. Still in her uniform, Raven sat in the floor, crossing her legs as she float slowly a few inches. Damian watched her quietly from behind. "Azarath, metrion, zinthos" Raven said as her astral soul left her body.

     Damian had no idea what Raven was doing but he bet that Raven was searching for Talia's whereabouts using her powers. He waited for Raven to find Talia by making himself a cup of tea. He didn't get a chance to bought a tea when they were at the tea shop so he made it by himself. Sipping his tea as he watched Raven's astral soul slowly coming back to her. Raven panted after her astral soul came back to her. She turned around to Damian and stood up, stepping closer to him. "She's in here, Gotham" Raven said as she wiped her sweats. Making her astral soul left her body was exhausting.

     Raven saw that Damian was drinking her tea but she shrugged it off since they got better things to do. "Secret Society of Super Villains" Damian stated as he put back the teacup on the table. Raven widened her eyes soon as she heard Damian said those words. "Talia planned something bad if she's with them"

     "The League of Assassins planned to brainwash a number of world leaders at a tech summit held by Bruce Wayne but we failed. We need another ideas that's why I gather you all here" Talia said, standing up in front of the member of The Society. "We need plans" she continued. Luthor raised his hand. Talia raised one eyebrow at him; letting him to ask the question. "Plans to do what, exactly?"

     With that question, Talia smirked. "To conquer the world, making the world a better place. Starting with Gotham"

[end of chapter 2]

new update, yay!

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