Chapter 3

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This chapter is going to be a bit different. This chapter is a flashback to when Louis presented, and why things are the way they are in his life currently in the story. Next chapter will be back in present time.


Louis POV (still asleep)

"What is wrong with you?

"You are useless to us. You don't deserve to be around us." All of the boys are surrounding me, glaring me with very much hatred in their eyes while throwing hateful comments.

"We hate you. You deserve to die."

I sat up suddenly, gasping for air.

I had a nightmare. A terrible nightmare.

Right now I am attempting not to cry. I checked what time it is, and I knew I still have about 3 hours before they show, and we aren't having rehearsal because it's the same show every time.

I get out of my bunk once my eyed dried up, and I walk into the tiny area that we call a kitchen. At the table, all of the boys were up already.

"Hey Lou! How are you feeling?"

Not this again. Stupid protective alphas.

"I'm just really tired. Sorry about last night. I honestly just was really sleep deprived, and not totally with it."

All 4 alphas were turned towards me.

"It's fine Louis. We're always here for you." Harry said.

"How about some food? Food will make you feel better." Of course that came from Niall.

One problem. I can't eat. I'm getting really fat, and we are having pancakes. I'm bad. I don't deserve them anyway.

My plate was drenched in syrup, and I wonder how many calories were in this.

"Thanks guys, but I'm good."

They all turned to look at me.

They know what's up. They know that's something is wrong with me. They know you're an omega. They know you're a failure. They know you're fat.

"Lou, you need to eat! I can't remember the last time you ate! You need your energy today. We have a super busy day, packed with interviews, and then a concert. Now eat." Liam ordered.

"No. I told you, I'm not hungry. Just drop it." I stated, angrily.

"Louis. I'm serious."

"No." I huffed and stood up from the table, and started to exit the room. The next thing I know is that Liam is getting up and walking after me. Oh god. I walked into the little hallway, and I turned to see that Liam was right behind me, and he cornered me.

I can tell, Liam knows something is up. He keeps walking towards me, and he grabs me. The next thing I know, the world is turned upside down and I am being thrown over Liam's shoulder and carried into the kitchen.

He keeps walking and I sort of have an idea of what he is going to do.

He stops at the table.

"Harry can you please pull out a chair for me?" Harry nods.

"Liam! Let me down!" I started squirming, trying to get down, and the next thing I knew, I felt a pain in my bum. Liam just spanked me?! I stopped moving, too embarrassed. I was blushing very badly, completely red all over.

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