Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

As I walked up to Andy’s house, I see him working on his truck.

"Andy!" I called out, walking to his truck.

Looking up to look at me, he asked me why I was there. When I got to him, I kiss him. After a minute of us kissing, I step back and look him in the eyes.

"You remember when you said you would help me get something off my mind?" I whisper.

"Yes, I remember." He starts, licking his lips.

"Will you help me now?" I ask, looking away from him. Pulling me to him, he kissed my neck.

"O hell yes." He whispers into my ear, and then kissed it.

He pulled me into the house and up to his room. When he closed the door, he turns to me. Pulling me into him, and started to kiss neck up to my ear.

"How long do we have?" He whispers into my ear in between kisses.

"As long as we can go." I say, biting back a moan.

It went on for hours, by the time we finished it was around two in the morning. We were lying down in his bed, when I looked up at him.

"I need to get home, Andy. I will see you at school." I state in the silence.

‘Eve, can I ask you something?" he asked sitting up, as I got out of bed picking up my clothes.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask, putting on my pants.

"Why are you here? I mean, why are you here, have sex with me?" He asked look at me.

Finishing putting on my t-shirt, I look around the room, when at him and say the three words I thought I would never have to say.

"He rejected me." I said, in a cracking voice.

He looks around the bed before telling me that when I'm ready to talk, I can talk to him.

"Ok." Is all I could say, to him?

I put on my shoes, kissed him good bye. I walked out, the front door. Looked at the early morning sky, it was dark. I couldn’t see that luminous look, that I always love. It was three, by the time I got home. I walk upstairs to my room. I lied down on my bed and look around at my baby blue walls, and started to cry. Could I be happy again? Could I live with is baby?

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