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I left the library after reading a decent amount more on poker, (I tried to concentrate, but I kept daydreaming about Alicia) and Donny leaped up to my side, tail wagging. I rubbed his head. "You hungry boy?" He barked loudly. I tossed a biscuit in the air and he ate it catching it in his mouth.

I started humming "Life could be a Dream" as I played the old muggle song in my head. I started waltzing down the street while I started talking to Donny about Alicia. (I got plenty of weird looks for talking to my dog, but I didn't give a shit)

"I met the girl of my dreams Donny. She's not beautiful, she's- she's a new level of beauty, Christ, I can't believe how gorgeous she is!" Donny barked. 

"I think I'm perhaps, in love perhaps..." I said shyly. Donny barked. "What a day Donny, I start learning muggle games, falling in love with muggle girls, oh my God..." I was walking on air, talking to Donny about Alicia.

"She's smart, beautiful, she's like the best thing that has happened to me." I smiled and walked down the street, Life could be a Dream in my head.  I strutted down the street, whistling, Donny walking with me.  I could not believe the happiness that just thinking about her caused me...

I spent the whole day just thinking about her. Donny nudged my leg with his head, trying to get me to keep walking with him. But, I had sat there on a bench, daydreaming about my dream girl Alicia. 

BARK!! Donny barked super loud, alerting me out of my daydream. It was nighttime already. Shit, I daydreamed for a really long time! I stood up, if was caught sleeping on a park bench by a cop again, it would be a very long night.

I said to Donny,"Donny, listen mate, it's Friday, I wanna catch a film, that cool?" Donny whimpered. "I'm sorry buddy, there's this new Russel Crowe film I gotta check out." He slowly walked into a bush next to the movie theater. 

I had no muggle money, how the hell would I get into the theater? I slapped my forehead. Did I forget the fact that I was a wizard?

I strolled up to the man who takes your ticket and sends you to your movie salon. "First one on the left" the man said pointing, for a couple that walked up to him. "Can I help you?" The man said, sitting down on a little stool. I looked behind me to make sure no one was looking and said,"Yeah, I wanna show you a magic trick." "Alright.." The man said.

"Here, look at my finger." "Ok..." He looked at my finger, and I flipped out my wand quickly and used a nonverbal confundus charm on him. His eyes blurred a little and he slumped a little in his stool.

I strolled past him smiling, and walked into the movie salon. I confunded an old muggle man in the seat in front of me, and he let me steal popcorn from him as he stared somewhat blankly at the screen.

The movie was great. During the film, I noticed that a platinum haired man whispered to his girlfriend something about studying to much, and as he turned to his girlfriend and said something, I noticed who that was. Draco Malfoy.

I felt a pang of anger. He was a former death eater. But I let it subside, nothing was going to ruin my Friday. The film ended and I walked out behind Malfoy and walked past him as he stopped to look at the ticket taker man. I walked a tiny bit faster. 

I was opening the door out of the movie theater when I heard him say,"Say Hermione, does that muggle look confunded to you?" Hermione? I said in my head. The Auror? Fuck.

I was walking away with my hood over my head, when Malfoy shouted to me. "Oy! You there." I stopped dead. They walked up to me. "Did you confund the ticket man?" Malfoy asked.

 "Er.. How did you know?" The Auror rolled her eyes. "What kind of boy walks into a movie theater, and steals a muggle's popcorn, with him barely noticing?" 

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