《 三 》

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welp a new chapter has arrived !! i can't believe i managed to pull through after school and writer's block beating me up square in the face but i survived 👍👍👍


the walk towards school isn't an obstacle for you, you figured.

having to simply follow some girls at a distance who wear the same uniform as you really helped in getting to your destination, instead of mustering up some courage into asking a passerby for directions.

while you wouldn't want to end up late for class, you took your time in soaking up the view of the town around you. for a small place, it surely is bustling with life, as with most small towns do.

along the way, you spot a bakery selling fluffy cheesecakes and melon bread (you then made a memo to yourself that you'd check it out once school is over), the laundromat where you had your uniform cleaned, and an electronics shop with its window displaying various tv screens showing different content, one of them is tuned to a volleyball game.

you shift your eyes away the moment they spot a familiar yellow and blue colored ball tossed up in the air.

keep it cool... just... walk away; don't make yourself look awkward.

you could've sworn you felt your heart try to punch its way out of your chest; the thin layer of sweat that's laid upon your skin, along with a sense of unease shrouds your aura in a greying shade.

walking a bit faster, you hurry up to make a turn around a corner, finally ending up on the street where karasuno high school stands.

you immediately drink in the scene in front of you.

a humble looking school building framed by trees and other flora on its surroundings, its sign glistening in the morning sun. there also stands two gymnasiums at the back, and a small building housing the sports clubs is nearby.

somehow, your anxious state had been washed away by the mere sight of the school. you don't why, but you set it aside for now.

so this is it.

taking a cautionary step, the grip that holds your school bag tightens as you make your way to the front gates.

as your feet gradually tread the school's grounds, you feel something approach you.

no, not something... someone.

before you could turn your head fully to face the them, an unfamiliar voice unconsciously pulls you back to give way, as you soon find out that this person is riding a bike. you staggered a bit, flabbergasted at what just passed by.

all you could remember was a head of orange hair, a gakuran uniform, and an energetic atmosphere radiating off him. he was a blurry image in your mind due to him speeding with his bike; but from that moment, you strangely felt something about him.

you surmised it was warmth.

snapping back to reality, you instantly compose yourself and return to your task of getting to school. a handful of other students saw what happened, but brushed it off and continued on, thankfully.


the opening ceremony was welcoming, but you found it boring, as per usual. you even feel the slightest bit of drowsiness afterwards.

while you consider having a quick nap would be nice, you decide against it and head towards your classroom, class 1-5. you thought being in a college prep class would give you an advantage in entering into a good college, and you'd just endure the lessons so you can have it easy once you take on the entrance exams.

《sparrow in a murder》haikyuu!! × reader [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now