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"she's down!"

"gyah!!! there's blood!!!"

"someone help her!"

"quick, get the medics here!"

"that injury looks seriously terrible!"

"poor girl!"

"i feel so sorry for her..."

those were a few of the voices you heard when your limp, broken body laid on the smooth surface of the gymnasium's floor. your heart pounded rapidly in your chest as if it were trying to escape its visceral confines, your skin dappled with small beads of sweat, the fabric of your jersey damp with the moisture.

your hair was matted with sweat, grime, and unfortunately, blood. you were lucky that you didn't end up with a serious concussion and landed up in a coma. the red liquid had already stained your face, a small part of your jersey, and the floor itself, making a small pool on the polished wood.

you couldn't move your legs, especially your right. you weren't so sure if you had gotten a sprain or worse, a fracture. you couldn't really tell which feels like which, you just know that your leg is gravely injured, and that was that.

pain pierced through your entire body, making you cry out in anguish though you try to muffle it with your hand between your teeth, but still being careful to not draw out more blood. tears pricked out from your closed eyes, in a weak attempt to numb out the stinging pain, and all throughout you silently hoped for an ambulance to come to your aid.


the gymnasium's eyes were all on you, the pitiful player. they all watched you intently on your form floored out on one side of the court. some took pity on you, others simply looked at your injuries in disgust, wondering how such an accident happened. you really wish the ambulance would just hurry up and take you away from the place.

suddenly, you heard the loud voices of your teammates call out to you. you heard them clearly, but in your mind they all sounded like a blur. they had huddled up around your body and you look up, their own faces looking down on you.

you shift your eyes in their direction and you see them, your vision still sort of blurry, the lights of the gymnasium's ceiling blinding you a bit. you saw the captain in her short ponytail; she displayed a concerned look on her face, telling you that help is on the way shortly. one of the wing spikers with brown hair murmured words of assurance to your ear, though you couldn't quite catch everything she said. you heard a younger middle blocker in pigtails try to stifle her tears while she stood near you facing your back. she seemed to be so worried about you a lot. you oddly felt more sorry for her than for yourself, frankly. your team's coach was there with as well. he called out to you and told you to hang in here for a little longer, while he contemplated on how all of this went wrong.

you then saw some faces from the opposing team at a distance, giving short glances at you before leaving the area, displaying the same worried expression. you found it peculiar on how they felt anxious about you even though they seemed hellbent on defeating your team during the match.

you instantly dropped your gaze and felt tears well up on your eyes once more, the glassy orbs now affixed to the floor. you cried moments ago to try and wash out the pain in your body, but this time you didn't know why you were crying all of a sudden. the pigtailed member in your team bawled out more at the sight of your tears falling from your cheeks, prompting the captain to calm her down.

why am i still crying?


you heard the sound of sirens closing in from the outside, signaling that an ambulance had come. a wave of relief came about to you and your teammates, though the feeling faded away as pain continued to throb in your body.

help had finally come to you, the medics in their clean, well-pressed uniforms approached you hurriedly. your coach and fellow teammates backed up and gave way for them and a gray stretcher in tow. placing the stretcher beside you on the floor, the two medics began to attend to your injuries, starting with your bloodied head. you paid no mind to the ministrations given to you by the two pairs of gloved hands hovering around your head and leg, you were lost inside your thoughts full of static; the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat. you felt like drowning and no one was there to save you.

more tears continued to flow out from your eyes, the medics' hands cradled your battered form, now swaddled in bandages. they lifted you onto the stretcher haphazardly, your mind and face still stood blank as you were carried away from from the gym, and into the ambulance. you didn't manage to take another glance at your teammates and coach, who stood silently and watched you leave on the same spot where you fell.


it's all over. you murmured quietly, hoping the medics surrounding you wouldn't hear you say that.

the atmosphere in the ambulance's interior felt stark, antiseptic, cold. the afternoon sun shone brightly through the vehicle's windows, but you made no decision to shift your gaze and see what was outside. the medic who tended to your leg focused his attention on you in case something might happen, yet you turned your head away to avoid meeting his eyes with your own.

you didn't want him to see you cry. you didn't want anyone to see you cry.

today was... my first and last real volleyball game.

《 e n d 》

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