Off On A Mission To Save A Hair Color Stealing Punk!

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"NARUTO!" I yelled loudly as I jumped opened one of his windows and ran inside his apartment. I heard a few stumbles from his room, but decided that wasn't enough. Quickly, I ran over to his kitchen and grabbed the two pans he had left and began to bang them against each other. "WAKE UP NARUTO!"

"HARMONY! I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP IN!" Naruto yelled to me and I rolled my eyes as I turned around to face him.

"Naruto, I was trying to be a good person and wake you up. Besides, you know you would have done the same to me if you had the chance." I said with a grin on my face.

"Fine." Grumpily, he muttered and looked away.

"I thought you would be this way, so I brought part of my breakfast over. It's on the coun-" I began to say but got cut off when Naruto lunged for the counter. "You're welcome."

"Thgmhph smh mpchp Harmomphgy." Naruto said to me as he stuffed the food into his mouth and sat on the counter.

"Pretending that the food is Kakashi Sensei's face I see." Nonchalantly, I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the counter.  Naruto began to choke on the food and his face began to get red. "Sorry, I guess it was Pervy Sage instead."

"H-HARMONY!" Naruto stuttered out as soon as he managed the food down his throat.

"What? I'm not going to judge what you do with your senseis." Casually, I said and flipped some of my hair. "Some people learn jutsus from their senseis, while others learn sexual things. To each their own."

"Gah! You're still the same. You haven't changed one bit." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"AGAIN WITH MY NONEXISTENT BOOBS AGAIN!" Angrily, I yelled with a vein on my forehead and pushed him off the counter.

"It wasn't about your boobs-not boobs- I don't know what to call them!" Naruto yelled as he wrinkled his face.

"They're called nonexistent boobs." Sassily, I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "I just hope that you and Kaka-Sensei are ready to get your relationship back on track and understand that Pervy Sage is just a fling."

"Naruto Uzamaki and Harmony Akako." A new voice said from the window. I jumped a bit and fell in surprise while Naruto jumped a bit also. "The Hokage needs to see you two immediately." The ANBU said and vanished.

"I guess I have to vouch for your relationship with Kaka-Sensei I see." I said as I got off the ground and helped Naruto up. "You will probably want to get yourself dolled up to see your man."

"HARMONY!" Naruto yelled as he went to his room to change. I just chuckled and smiled since it was nice to be able to mess with Naruto again.

After Naruto had found enough coordination to dress himself, we headed off to the Hokage's office. On our way there Naruto had tried to mess with me. He didn't just try, he succeeded in freaking me out. When he talked about a big scar on his chest from a life threatening injury, I had tried to rip off his shirt to see if he was joking or not. People passing by us thought it was quite a sight. Some looked amused and others looked a bit disturbed to see a girl trying to pull a boy's shirt off.

By some miracle, Naruto and I made it to the Hokage's office in one piece. When I saw Tsunade, I had wanted to playfully call her "Old Sag." but it did not seem appropriate since a serious look was on her face. Sakura and Kakashi were in the office as well.

"You four will go on your first mission together starting in half an hour when you leave for Suna." She said and rested her head on her hands. "The Kazekage has been kidnapped by two figures who suspiciously looked like members of the Akatsuki by their descriptions. We have been requested to help find him. You will go to Suna first and then you will receive your next set of orders there."

"What?!" In shock, Naruto yelled and looked around. "G-Gaara has been kidnapped?!"

"That hair color stealing punk." I said and groaned at the thought of Gaara. My mind began to worry since it is scary for a village to not have their Kage. Even worst to know that their Kage has been kidnapped. I did my best to keep cool on the outside though.

"He has. As Shinobi assisting in the Sand and Leaf Village alliance, you must help the Sand Village!" In a determined tone, Tsunade loudly yelled to us and banged his fist against the desk. "You will all leave immediately since you look prepared. GO!"

"I got you Kaka-Sensei!" I yelled as I grabbed Kaka-Sensei's hand and jumped out the window.

"I-" He began to said but I cut him off in midsentence.

"Shut up because I'm doing a nice thing and you're getting in the way of me doing a nice thing. Thank you and you're welcome." I said and pulled us towards the East Gate.

There was no way I was going to let Kakashi Sensei be an ass and be late for something this important.



Harmony: Kakashi Sensei needs to stop being an assbrick and finally be on time. There are many needs in this world.

Me: True that home girl. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I made you laugh! ^.^ I haven't sworn unless I'm mad over something, so it's odd to write and swear. She will be my official vent to any anger I feel. (x


Naruto: .... -holds stinging cheek- What just happened? o.O

Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day and stay lovely! ^.^ Also, thank you so much for taking the time to leave comments. Comments are basically my fuel to write since I get to hear if I made anybody happy. When I hear that, then I just get so excited and want to write away. ^.^


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