Chapter Two

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"Observation needs sensitivity and focus, how we lose some things when we are not observant." -Tope Akinyele

2 Timothy 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I AM PERSUADED THAT IN THEE ALSO.

Using this scripture, we saw that Paul noticed the grace that was in Timothy's grandmother which he also saw in his mother and now in Timothy also.
Now, we can learn to discern their abilities by observing them at their little age and then push them to grow in it. Understanding that in a house you can not have children of the same nature, and abilities. See this from how a man gave talent to people of his household.

Matthew 25:15 And unto one HE GAVE FIVE talents, to ANOTHER TWO, and to ANOTHER ONE; TO EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS SEVERAL ABILITY; and straightway took his journey.

You should ask, why didn't he give them the same talent? It's because he knew their abilities. That means the master of the house has observed them and knows what they are capable of. It reads according to their several abilities. What ability do you notice that your children have? You need to learn to pay attention to them and also seek the Lord about it. Now don't try to take away their life from them, especially when you notice a child love
fun, love games etc. You can by the grace of God see how you can develop that child and make something right out of it by also helping the child in this wise by counseling him that if he give his total time on having fun, it will take away his precious time. Every child need to be responsible. Make known to children the reason they shouldn't do some things. We have alot of children that love fun, games this can also waste their time, but by God's wisdom you can channel their course in a way that will be an advantage to them. Such a child can even handle a program organized in church for children on some games, he will just flow without any error. That's his own area of fun. If possible expose him to how he can create his own application games, he will never forget it. This need wisdom. You can also notice maybe one of your children have the ability to write, for example, I knew I had the ability to write from age seven and by the grace of God, am committed to writing. So you just help the child, create so much interest even when you know you don't have that ability as a parent. Just choosing some interest in a child's ability as a parent is much inspiring to them than anything in this world. You can even go as wide as find any opportunity that will improve such child in the skills of writing and also help him more in English language and if possible expose him to foreign languages. Still with a deep consciousness of the fear of God.

Discernment is key in this aspect by understanding every children, whether you notice or perceive a child is to go into ministry you can begin to raise him in that line, you can allow the child to take part in children Sunday school, especially when it comes to memorising scriptures, it will stay with him for long and help develop him. It is good when parent also pay attention to how their children learn to memorise scriptures. Maybe another child give himself to leadership or can handle things perfectly in the home that links with leadership you begin to raise such child in that way such that he will not depart from it when he grows up. You can encourage him to read good books on leadership, help him to attend leadership conferences that will help him. I remember as a teenager how we were taught what leadership is, we usually go to church having different teachers to teach us. This helped me after some years, in fact I grew in that line, that I begin to do things willingly on my own in the teens church, so when I became a leader in the Higher institution in church, I was already used to servant leadership. These are seeds that we need to sow into their hearts, as we discern them through observation. Just allow them in their sphere of influence that you perceive. This is what we should have even in the political sector and the child will grow up not departing from it because the word of God said so and he will grow up to have
the fear of God and this is how we will have a good nation with good leaders.

Often times parents don't pay keen attention or observation to their children. They often display or show us what God has input in them but when we don't pay attention to them, they may lose them because we are the ones to help them identify it in the first place so that they can grow in it. We can become successful parent by observing every child. Some times you just see a child bring out the path the Lord has set for that child, he just do it unaware because the thing lies within him but a discerning parent will be on the look out to be able to identify it and then they speak to themselves about it, the father and the mother need to be aware of it, so that you can both pay attention to how you can help the child towards that direction. When he grow up, he will be grateful you help him identify it early.
We must understand every child and help them by discerning which part they fall in, so that we can direct them rightly. Discerning them, in this wise, needs prayer, patience, deep observation and most commonly don't compare each children, they are all children with various diversities that they can operate on without any struggle, and they will need to grow in them. We must learn to discern and also help them. This is a huge responsibility and that's why we need the Lord.

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