Scary Counter

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It's been two weeks since he began working at Mr. Wilson's coffee shop -named after the man himself- and even if serving drinks and pastries isn't what he wants to do for the rest of his life, he is still okay with it for now.

The only negative thing about this job is that he has to walk from his apartment to the shop every morning and even if it's not that long of a walk, Mitch could easily do without. Every step he is taking is making his wish for a new car stronger and if he was saving money for it until now, he is more and more tempted to buy a bike or even a skateboard as long as it's keeping him away from this horrible thing he likes to call his daily morning walk.

After having braved New York's cold weather, the warmth of the coffee shop makes him feel better as soon as he steps in.

"Hey Mitchell! How are you doing man? " a deep voice greets him loudly, making him jump. Mitch had already told Avi to stop calling him by his full name, but the man seemed to be very stubborn.

"Oh, hi Avi, I'm okay." he says, not returning the question.

Mitch takes off his coat before heading to the break room where he sets all of his stuff in his locker. He can feel Avi's presence in the entrance of the room and the desperate look the bearded man gives him when he turns back in his direction is forcing him to engage a conversation.

"It's cold outside." Mitch states, almost swearing at how dumb he sounds. Surprisingly, it seems to be enough for Avi, judging by how his eyes light up instantly.

"Yes, it's true, winter in New York is pretty cold. I am used to it but it must be really different in Los Angeles, right?" He replies with excitement like it was an interesting topic.

"Yeah, - " Before he could continue, Mitch gets cut off by Mr. Wilson calling his name. " I have to go. " Mitch can feel his body relaxes when he steps out of the room.
While making his way to the old man, he thinks about how people like Avi always find something to talk about and he doesn't understand. Of course, he can admit it, he's not the most talkative, but sometimes, even if you are with someone else, silence is great. It feels good to know that you don't necessarily have to make a conversation to have a good time. Mitch grins at the thought, thinking about how accurate it was. You could have really good time without any previous conversation.

"Mitch! " A voice brings him back to reality. Mr. Wilson is standing in front of him, a cardigan hanging loosely around his shoulders. Mitch thinks about the considerable number of polos he must have in his closet judging by the fact that he has never seen him once with the same.

"Mitchell? Are you listening? " The old man says impatiently

"Oh! Um...yes sorry, I was... Yeah" Mitch almost curses at how annoying he must sound. It's only been two weeks since he started working there and he was already being stupid in front of the big boss (although he wasn't that big or not at all).

"So! As I was saying, today is the day. You're no longer washing dishes. Today, you're at the counter! "Mr. Wilson sounds excited, at least more than Mitch. If you couldn't already tell, he isn't really a social person and he already feels super awkward just at the thought of him talking to clients with the fakest smile on his face.

" That's... Great! " He says, already practicing his fake smile.

Fifteen minutes later, Mitch is standing behind the counter, his apron tied tightly around his waist. He is not feeling himself, partly because Mr. Wilson had forced him to take his septum piercing out.

" You have to look more welcoming, and whatever that thing in your nose is, it's scary. " He could hear his boss words resonating in his head.

At exactly 8 o'clock, the sound of the doorbell makes him shuddered. He puts his" good morning I'm really nice " face on and directs his gaze to the two people who just opened the door. He's immediately shocked by the height difference between the two of them. However, the girl, who's the tiniest seems way more confident than the broad guy behind her. Mitch can see the blond boy squeeze the girl's arm and he's scared that she might have a bruise after that.
She looks at the tall man and gives him a reassuring look as well as a bright smile.

" Hello, welcome at Wilson's. What would you like to order? "Mitch is reciting his speech like he had planned it earlier, all that while trying to smile.

Before the girl can even talk, the blond guy finally open his mouth and Mitch instantly regrets his wish to hear this guy's voice. He surely does have a beautiful voice, deep - not as much as Avi though - and sweet but the words he's saying leaves Mitch speechless.

"Where is Kevin? You're not Kevin. You can't take our order, Kevin is the one who's always doing it. It has to stay like it always is " He sounds panicked and Mitch is now wondering if Mr. Wilson was right.

Maybe he really is scary.


Hey! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. comment to tell me what you think and vote if you feel like it. Bye :)

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