Chapter 2

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We pulled up to a big, beautiful, modern house with a lot of grand windows. As we got out of the car, Edward's face seemed to shine like diamonds. The interior was kind of fancy in a way. The view from here was amazing. The forest drew me in. I don't know what it was, but there is an urge that pushes me to go explore it.

Edward gave me a tour of the house. He said he had four siblings, and they were all adopted by his father, Carlisle—a doctor at the local hospital.

"Are you guys hungry?" Edward asked. "Or do you want anything to drink?"

My stomach growled. I haven't had anything to eat besides breakfast, and now it's around 2:30 pm. "What do you guys have?" I asked.

"I could make you a turkey sandwich?" Edward suggested.

"Sounds good." I followed him to the kitchen.

He made the sandwich and handed it to me.

A group of footsteps traveled closer to the kitchen as I eat my food.

"Hello." A girl with short hair said. She looked to be around Bella's age.

"Hi, I'm Lillian." I introduced myself.

She smiled. A guy with pale skin and blonde hair stood behind her. "I'm Alice, and this is Jasper."

Jasper's lips were tightly closed, his hands were behind his back, and he looked as if he were stifling pain. His deadpan expression made me shift awkwardly in my seat.

"Hey, Charlie got home early. Edward is going to take us back." Bella said, walking near me. "Hi Alice, Jasper." She added.

They waved. I got up and followed Bella. We met Edward outside in his car. He drove us home.

I waited on the porch for Bella to say goodbye to Edward. She watched him drive away. Inside, Charlie sat on the couch watching the television.

"Welcome back." He said without looking at us.

"Hi, Charlie," I said.

His head jerked around, brows furled together. He stood up and gave me a hug. "You've grown up so much."

I smile awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

"Where were you, girls?" He asked.

"We went over to Edward's house for a little bit," Bella spoke. She got a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Oh." Charlie sat back down. "Well, I'm glad you found a new friend." He told me.

"Yeah, he's nice."


I stayed up in my room for a while. The sun was starting to hide behind the treetops. From my window, I could see the woods. The same urge that came to me when I was over at Edward's house returned. It possessed me, and I stood up, walking closer to the window.

"I've got to go there," I whispered to myself.

Slipping on my black and white Vans, I tiptoed downstairs. Charlie was in the kitchen cleaning his guns.

"Hey, um, have you ever gone out to the woods?" I asked, sitting in the chair across from him.

His hand paused, hovering over the gun's barrel. "Yes. Why?"

"Could I go for a walk?"

"Sure. Yeah. Just be back before dark." Charlie said, shook his head, and continued cleaning his guns.

I stepped outside onto the porch. A small gust of wind plowed through my hair. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, I carefully stepped down the steps as if I were on a secret mission or running away. Taking a left turn, I headed for the woods.

My pace picked up, my thoughts stopped, and I just let my feet carry me. I ran, sprinting to the wood's inviting entrance. It was like a grand entry to a princess's castle. The first step into the woods was enchanting, almost as if I discovered a fairytale and began reading the first page. The damp floor was a bit bouncy. Moss on the rocks, trees standing so tall, climbing their way to the stars.

My mind was clueless about where my feet were taking me, but I didn't care; I felt free. I stopped, taking a long breath in through my nose—pine trees and damp logs with drying mud—the serene smell of Mother Nature. I walked around carelessly, finally having the chance to escape reality.

The setting sun beamed through the leaves, hitting spots on the ground. Robins flew with ease from tree to tree, swooping down to find worms or fallen twigs for nests. I closed my eyes as I stood in the quiet. Just the sounds of brisk winds and birds chirping.

The bliss was splintered by the sound of twigs crunching.

I stopped and looked around worriedly. Trepidation drenched my skin. The sun was barely peeking through the trees now. The moon was coming up, and it was coming up fast. I heard panting as if it were coming from a dog. However, this dog wasn't small. It was big like a bull. To my left, its pace picked up, running close yet far beside me. The blurred figure looked like a wolf. It circled a path around me and stopped, standing between the trees in front of me. Black fur, like a shadow. Dark brown eyes, almost pitch black.

I slowly stepped back. Adrenaline flows through my veins, quaking my legs. The wolf towered over me from a distance, watching with a protective look but with lust of aggression. The dark shadowed-figure took a step forward as I took a careful step back. Its eyes searched as if it was looking for answers.

Before I could think, I turned and started running. I didn't know where I was or how to get back home, but I didn't care. I was about to get attacked by a six-foot-tall wolf. My vision blurred as the adrenaline kept pumping in my veins. A rampage of footsteps crunched behind me.

There must be more of them.

I tripped over a tree root and tumbled. The wolf charged.

"Please, don't hurt me!" I pleaded with a weak voice, shutting my eyes.

There was a growl and a muffled smack. I opened my eyes just in time to witness an auburn colored wolf tackle the shadowed beast. It stood in front of me, growling at its companion or perhaps its enemy.

I took the opportunity to run away.

Not realizing where to go, I went further into the woods. My energy depleted. The sun was completely down, the moonlight lit my way. I was definitely lost. I didn't know which way I came. If that auburn wolf didn't save me, I'd be dead.

Maybe I imagined the whole thing. Could it be that I'm dreaming and I'll wake up in my new bedroom? Maybe I was actually lost, and I was never going to find my way out. Possibly my escape from reality just hurled me into a nightmare. I needed to wake up from this dream. I needed to be found.

I was lost and cold.


I continued walking in the cold forest. This was, indeed, reality, and I won't be waking up anytime soon. Ahead, a clearing in the forest appeared. Panting, I began to run. When I emerged from the woods, a small, red house with a wooden ramp led to the porch.

I hesitated to knock on the door. My confidence trickled like sand in an hourglass, burying my chance to go home. Finally, what took centuries and a flip of the glass, I brought my knuckles to the door and knocked. A man in a wheelchair answered a few minutes later.

"Can I help you?" The man asked politely.

"Do you have a phone-" I cut myself off, not knowing Charlie's house number. "Actually, do you know Charlie Swan?" My mind was scattered.

"Yes, yes I do." The man wheeled himself back. "Come on in."

I walk in cautiously, shutting the door behind me. "I'm his niece, and I was supposed to be back before sundown, but I got lost in the woods," I explained to him.

The man didn't respond. He dialed a number and waited for it to ring. "It seems like no one is home. I'll see if my son will take you back. Make yourself comfortable." He said, wheeling his way through the living room.

I took a seat on the brown couch. Native American figurines decorated the space, along with a few books and photos.

The man and his son came into the living room. They both had tan skin, but the son's muscle definition showed through his t-shirt and had cut-offs on. His hair was black and spiked up. I'll admit that he was attractive.

"This is my son, Jacob. Jacob, this is Charlie's niece," he looked at me, breaking off his sentence.


"Hey," Jacob said with a soft voice.


It was hard to shake the anxiety and worry. The roads were unfamiliar, and streetlights were not a thing. Nothing was visible beyond the headlights.

"How long are you visiting?" Jacob asked, making conversation.

"I'm moving in with him. I'm not sure if I'll leave." I said with a shrug. "Not until I graduate, anyway."

Jacob nodded. "When did you move?" He glanced at me then at the road.

"Today, actually," I replied shyly. "I know, not the best reputation I'm giving myself."

He chuckled.

We pulled up at Charlie's and see that cops are there.

"Shit, well, have fun with that." Jacob joked.

I gave him a glare, trying to hide my nervousness. Swallowing in an attempt to get rid of the lump in my throat, I exited the truck.

"Hey, I'm sorry that you had to drive me here." I turned to face him.

"It's fine. I enjoyed it." He said.

Heat burned my cheeks. I shut the door and walked over to Charlie. Once he noticed me, he ran over.

"I'm so sorry, Charlie." Tears prick my eyes. My hands began to shake. "I got lost in the woods, and I—"

"It's okay. I'm just glad you're back. I was worried sick. Your mother would've killed me if I lost you." He let me walk inside as he went back to the other police.

The woods still loom outside of my window. Did I imagine the wolves?

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