Hidden lies

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Myra and her twin sister, Kyra, were 15 when Myra was informed that she has Cystic Fibrosis. After fighting the illness for 3 years and only developing more and more pain doctors offer a lung transplantation. Myra quickly takes the offer and a few days later goes into surgery. During the surgery something goes wrong and one of Myra's organs is punctured. Doctors inform Myra's mom and sister that within the next 3-6 weeks Myra will die. 

They are also told that Myra will suffer. If they don't want Myra to suffer the doctor offers to put her down. Myra's mom doen't like the idea of a doctor who has only known for a short amount of time gets to kill her. Shhe refuses and takes Myra home.

The next day their mom decides that Myra shouldn't have to suffer but still doesn't want the doctor to kill her. She tells Kyra that she wants her to drown Myra. Kyra hates the idea and refuses but her mom has other plans. Her mom begins to beat her and persuade her to let Myra go. Kyra still isn't fond of the idea but let's it go. She does as asks and instantly regrets it. 

They make up a very descriptive story that covers everything to tell the police. The police buy it and move on. Kyra feels horrible about her sister's death and can't even attend the entire funeral.

Kyra starts getting nightmares that involve her sister.

She slips into a state of depression and blocks off all of her friends. Her friends fight for a little while to get her back but decide to let it go since they think the depression will ware off after a couple months. 

Everybody at school knows about Kyra's sister and start avoiding Kyra at all costs.

Everybody except the new guy at school, who is oblivious to the recent events. Xavier Daniels. Xavier starts to hang around Kyra, even though Kyra completely ignores him. 

Will Xavier help Kyra out of her state of depression Or will he start to avoid her after hearing about her sister? Will everyone find out about Kyra being held resopnsible for Myra's death? Or will it be kept as another hidden lie?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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