Ch.1- A Little Insight

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                “Oh come on! That so did not happen that way!”

                “Yes it did!”

                “No it did not!”

                “Yes it did!”


                You see that conversation above? Yeah, that one. That’s my life for the next two weeks. The two bickerers (Is that a word) were my younger sister and older brother. I think it that Macie was retelling Josh a story about what happened at school last week. She would have told him sooner if wasn’t for the fact that he is a collage sophomore. He’s home for the next two weeks ‘cause he just had mid-terms. He’s glad though, apparently he’s not home enough to “protect” us. Josh is the reason why I have not and will not have a boyfriend anytime soon. Stupid but loveable overprotective asshole of a brother.

                “So, now we have heard Macie’s unbelievable yet apparently true story, let’s hear how Valena’s life is shall we?”  They both turned to me. For what, I have no idea. Both of them know I don’t really have a life outside of school.

                Groaning, I said just that. ”Eh, you both know I never have anything to say, nothing ever interesting happens.”

                “Yeah, you say that every time I ask,” Josh chuckles,” Just wondering if you have a secret boyfriend or something.” I raise my eyes at him. He shakes his head.

                “Ha! The time sissy gets a boyfriend”, she sends a pointed look at Josh after looking at me, “Is when you don’t fail at life.” I know I should probably be affected by that comment, yet I’m not. It took a lot to get me where I am, invisible, and I wouldn’t change it for a thing.

                “Nice on- Hey! That’s not nice!”

                “You’re not nice.”

                “Yes I am. I happen to be very nice.”

                “And I’m the queen of England.”

                “No you’re not.”

                “Yes I a-.”

                “Guys!” I cut in. Successfully distracting them from the petty little argument, onto me. “We’re here,” I stated, pointing out that Josh had pulled into our driveway. Before I could blink, they were out of the car.

                When I walked on the patio, I noted that the flowers along the front needed attention. Before I got inside even, I could hear the sound of a son reuniting with his mother. As Josh had only told me of his plans to go home, you could say mom was pretty surprised to say the least.

                “V”, did you know of this,” Mommy asked, trying to put on a stern face that even if you knew her for only a second, you would know that she could never pull off.

                Putting on my highly perfected innocent face I said, “What if I did?”

                “What if you did what?”

                “Just the fact of our son coming home,” Mom said to Dad, who had a mix of surprise and joy written on his face.


                “Hey pops, how’s it going,” Josh said as he popped out his hiding place, the kitchen, with a bowl what looked like ice cream.

                “Hey son, I didn’t know you were coming home and everything’s pretty stinkin’ great.” Josh smiled; he knew that Dad had gone through a tough time with work not so long ago.

                “Okay, now that the welcoming’s are over and done with.”  Mom paused for dramatic effect, “Let’s eat!”

                So this is my family, my wonderful yet crazy family.

                Hey peoples of the internet!! This is my first story I have decided to post!!=D

I have absolutely no idea where it’s going. Just a thought that popped into my mind.

I know it’s the first chapter so it’s pretty boring but don’t worry it will get better!!

Comment please!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2012 ⏰

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