It's Nice To See You

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They arrived in America at last."Awesome! We're here!"Alfred smiled and ran out of the airport with his stuff as Kiku followed from behind."America looks really nice."Kiku chuckled."Nah. It's not good as Japan"Alfred winked. Kiku chuckled.
"Sir Alfred?"A voice sounded. A man with a black suit and tie with short blonde hair greeted."Yo! I missed you man! Where's the car?"Alfred smiled as he looked up at the man"It's parked there. let's go, Sir."The man said as Alfred nodded. Kiku followed as the two entered the limousine."This is your car?"
"My parents owns this family does.. So, yeah."Alfred said.


They arrived as the Butler and maid took their stuff from them saying that they will put their stuff away.Kiku followed Alfred as they went in."Oh my gosh I missed this place so badly!"Alfred said with a wide smile. The living room was huge with crystal lights dangling on the ceiling."Wow.You have a nice home, Alfred-san!"Kiku said in amazement."Thanks dude!"

"Oi Alfred."They both turned and saw a man their age with green emerald eyes and honey blonde hair.He approached Alfred and looked at Kiku."Who's this? Your girlfriend?"He asked."No, he's my friend. He's from Japan. His name is Kiku Honda.Isn't he cute?!"Alfred said with a goofy smile. Arthur and Kiku looked up each other with wide smiled."Its been a while Arthur-san."He smiled
Arthur smiled."Indeed, Kiku. I didn't know you were in the same college as Alfred."Arthur chuckled.Kiku smiled."Of course, Arthur-san."He said. Alfred smiled."You two know each other?"
"Yes. We've known each other for so long now Alfred. Before you two met, me and Kiku were friends..He used to study in England and we're in the same school for years.We got separated after high school..."Arthur chuckled."If you don't know me and Alfred are cousins."Arthur turned to Kiku. "I can't believe I could see you again~"He winked,making Kiku blush. "I'll be in the garden. I'll see you later, Kiku, Alfred"Arthur smiled and left.

Alfred chuckled and drags Kiku away to the guest room."Here you go! You're gonna sleep here."He said. Kiku nodded and walked into the guest room."This room is too big to be a guest room."Kiku said to himself as he sat down on the bed. "Not used to the classy life, ol' chap?"Kiku turned to the bedroom door and saw Arthur.The British man was leaning against the door frame."Hello, Kiku"He smiled and entered the room. "Arthur-san."He exclaimed.
"I missed you. You know I was really sad after hearing that you're going back to Japan after we finished high school."Arthur said,sitting next to him."Of course."Kiku rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled."I can't believe you're Alfred's cousin."Kiku said. The truth is, Kiku liked him for so long now he couldn't forget about him. Even after they finished high school together. But still, he was afraid to confess. Arthur held the same emotion towards him."Me too.. I mean, a gentleman like me related to that git? Hah.."He said."Anyway, meet me in the garden for tea, yes? I'll be waiting."Arthur added and left.
"Of course.."


Alfred was in the living room, watching his favorite show on his huge television.Alfred munched his burger as he changed the channels."Alfred-san.."Kiku sounded as he tapped the other's shoulder."Yes, Kiku?"
"Where is the garden?"He asked, looking out at the door."Oh.. Use the back door.. That transparent glass door leads to the garden."He said with a mouthful."Thank you Alfred-san and please don't talk with your mouth full!"He said as he walked off.


Arthur waited for Kiku to arrive as he poured the tea into the tea cups."Arthur-san. I'm here"the British man looked up at his friend and smiled warmly."Have a seat, Love-I mean Kiku."He said and pulled a seat for the other."You haven't changed at all I see.."Kiku chuckled."Of course"Arthur smiled and sipped his tea."So, any new things?"
"Well.. Kind of.. I'm studying here in America for literature."Arthur grinned."O-oh.. Well.. I'm still trying to achieve my dream to be a manga artist"Kiku said with a faint blush on his face. "You haven't changed yourself."Arthur smiled..

The two talked and talked all afternoon like they were the only ones in the garden filled roses. They had a great moment alone in the garden. Alfred stared at them with a smirk from the balcony of the mansion.

"Oh.. It's almost 4..let's get inside, alright?"Kiku said and got up, leaving Arthur sitting alone in the garden.He made sure Kiku was far enough before saying

"I love you..."

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