Unit Two~ Assignment #1~ Pictures and Stories

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Since the formatting wasn't proper I couldn't upload the pictures. But basically to anyone who wasn't in my class sees this, my teacher gave us images andd told us to right each one in specific way.

Stormy Seas Against the Rocky Shore- No Adjectives Allowed

  Clouds roll in from from the south. Rain is pouring and they all know that the storm is coming. Water slams up against the shore. Fish are tossed around the sea along with the other creatures that they live with.  

Country Kitchen- Describe the Setting

The smell of eggs and bacon being cooked could've been smelled a hundred yards away. Flowers bloomed not far from the front door.

Children ran around the second floor, constantly looking down to see if breakfast was ready. But mother took forever to cook, because with everything she did things had to be just right.

The dog pushed himself though the small door cut within the larger one. He was covered in mud that was produced from the storm the night before.

Country Doctor- Create a Story for this image

Doctor Martin had his most gruesome and traumatizing task yet. That was delivering a baby. Yes he had seen what it was like before with his own wife and kids, but to be the one in ensuring the baby's safe welcome into the world was still daunting to him.

The beautiful baby girl was fine, but her mother had almost fainted from the pain. It would've been fatal had he not administered the proper care a doctor should in these situations.

In his time there was little to be said about the lack of technology. If a man got an infection in his arm from the war then he no longer had an arm.

Nonetheless he managed to save her and it was nothing less than a miracle.

He stayed in that house till the couple named their child. Delilah if he remembered correctly. It was a beautiful name, he would know it was his mother's.

It was interesting to see them go through the process. They argued for a good hour after before the mother put her foot down and just screamed the name.

When it came to his wife and kids he just let her chose. It was safer for everyone that way.    

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