Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Her warm eyes didn't look mad at me, which I'm not used to after, after coming back from the date. All the glares shot my way I easily dismissed. Now, this is the first time I've been questioned about it, and it catches me off guard a little. And by the looks of it, Reese wants to know out of curiosity, rather than spite.

However, she catches the attention of a few other girls at the end of the table. One of them, the girl from the Power Pack who has intimidated everyone since she has arrived. She befriended the strange girl with violet eyes.

"Good, thanks," I say coolly, brushing a piece of hair behind my air.

Reese smiles. Her hair is neatly pulled back into a French braid; she seems like a rather put together person. From the little Zariah found out about her, she is very book oriented, like myself, yet more into the romance kind of novels. She must be loving this experience...

"Tell us what happened," a sharp voice demands from the end of the table. Alani Prelich, the Commander's daughter.

Everyone else looked over.

"Well..." I break off. "He took me to meet my family."

There is no way I was about to admit the rather romantic way he set up that picnic area for us both. None of them would understand our tolerance to cold for a start. Then, they would surely question my relationship with my parents. And not to mention the jealously...

Mareli looked offended. "Why hasn't he done that for the rest of us? I miss my family."

"Well my family lives close by," I try to excuse, but the frustrated whispers of irritation fill the room. No doubt I'm being completely trashed by most of the girls here. Why can't I just keep my mouth shut?

All of a sudden, a girl's shrill scream sounds from the other end of the room, stealing everyone's attention off me, thankfully.

I stood up to cast a glance over the tables, so see a girl clinging to another. One of them was crying desperately, clawing at the other girl, who I had been the one of scream. Both are from the Freedom Pack. Immediately questions arise from the confused girl, who wants to know what's going on with the completely broken down girl.

"She's having a panic attack!" The girl pleaded.

I believe her name is Averi. Her and I talked briefly before, but that's about this. Now, she's a completely different person, as she clutches the other girl, I know commonly as Rose.

Other girls rush over to help her, but I know better. Being from the Freedom Pack, she must be feeling trapped. It's the only conclusion I can come to, since staying in this place might just be the perfect situation for a lot of girls. However, being from a Pack where everyone has the ability to roam freely wherever they please, to come to a place almost like a prison with all its rules, must be tough.

Malik and a few other people I don't know make it into the room, a beeline carved for the poor girl.

Clearly this has taken Malik by surprise. He wears rather casual clothes, which usually no other girl would have seen him in. Aside from me; he loves to dress casually when he shows up in the library late at night.

Instantly, the Alpha was helping Averi out of Rose's arms, cradling her to his chest. Concern showed across his entire being, as she cried. Clearly she is having a hard time breathing right now, and Malik knows to take her outside the room from where the rest of us are.

The moment they leave, silence settles over us.

Rose doesn't say a word. She looks like a void of shock. I think we all are. Something like this hasn't happened before, and for Averi to blow up like this is extremely random. Does this mean she is going to go home? She isn't cut out for this, and everyone here knows it, and Malik must do too.

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