Chapter 3 Your Resolve.

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You sat on your bed. It had been three hours sense Beerus left and his words made your head spin. You blushed. Yes he had his eyes closed when he ripped the curtain back but did he when he grabbed you a towel. You subconsciously covered your already covered chest. You guessed you would never know.

Beerus's pov:
At Beerus's temple.
I SAW HER CHEST!  Beerus thought as he repeatedly hit his head against bricks breaking them apart. He tried desperately to get you out of his mind. Goku walked up to Whis who was calmly drinking some tea. "UH MR WHIS, what's wrong with Lord Beerus?" Goku asked watching Beerus's bizarre behavior. Whis laughed. "Ohhohoho someone's been naughty!" "SHUT UP WHIS!!!" Beerus yelled. Beerus let his head drop, nothing was working. He was annoyed with himself. "Whis, pack some food. We're going to visit Champa for once." Beerus said with a smirk. Whis smiled. "That's going to be a first but alright." Beerus visibly relaxed. He got ready to take off with Whis. Goku decided to invite himself like usual. Vegeta was on Earth doing some hardcore training. They took off within five minutes.

Your Pov:
It had been a few days and you were thinking about what Beerus had said. You needed to be more alert. So you decided you would ask for training from someone who always seemed alert. You made it your goal to find Piccolo. You left and promised to be back within a reasonable time so that no one would worry. You took off and found Goku hitting a tree outside. "Hey, Goku. Do you know where Piccolo would be right now?" He turned and tapped his chin. "He should be training with Krillen." Goku said enthusiastically. He grabbed your hand and instant transmissioned you over to Master Roshi's house. Sure enough, Krillen and Piccolo were both meditating. Goku brought you over to them. Krillen opened his eyes and smiled at you. "Hey! How are you feeling?" Krillen asked smiling. "I'm feeling a lot better now." You said smiling.   "That's great!" Krillen said happily. You nodded. Piccolo glanced at you and you smiled nervously. "I actually came here to see if you would train me." You told piccolo while smiling brightly. Piccolo narrowed his eyes. "Why?" "I need to be more aware of my surroundings." You replied. Piccolo thought a moment. "Fine but the minute you slack off you can forget about it." You nodded. "I understand." Piccolo stood up and put his white hat and cape on. "Good, we will start bright and early tomorrow morning." He said before flying away. You sweat dropped. "How early is bright and early?" You asked him with a curious expression. "Around five am..Heh heh." You inhaled and exhaled. "It's alright." You told him. You and Goku went back to his house for the rest of the day.


It was four am when your alarm went off. You jumped up took a shower and changed into some workout clothes. You left the house and started walking towards the woods. Piccolo said he'd find you. He did but not in the way you hoped. He scared you to death. He showed up and tapped your shoulder. You screamed and jumped. Piccolo huffed. "I can see why you wanted to train. Your senses are weak." You frowned. Thanks. You thought bitterly following him through the woods.

Champa Pov:

I happily walked outside and smelt the morning air. It was all nice and quiet. I grinned. "Isn't this relaxing Vados?  Nothing could ruin this moment for me." I said sighing happily. "I wouldn't be so sure my lord." Vados chuckled. "Whats that supposed to mean?" I yelled agitated. Than I heard an all to familiar voice. "Hello champa." I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. "What do you think your doing here uninvited!" I yelled. "You always visit my universe uninvited!" Beerus yelled. I clenched my fists and Beerus mimicked me. Soon we were at each others throat. I threw the first punch. It always went like this, we would see each other and end up fighting. For once Beerus stopped fighting. "What?" I asked curious as to why he stopped. "This is not helping me." Beerus said crossing his arms. "What the hell does that mean?" I yelled at his stupid vauge response.

Beerus pov:

I thought seeing Champa would agitate me and I'd forget all about that human. Now, I'm wondering what she's doing. I grabbed my ears and walked away from Champa. "Whis, lets leave now!" I have a new solution to this problem. I will not deal with this I am a destroyer and must not have any distractions. Whis didn't say a word and all Goku did was complain that we just had made it. I don't care, the only way to fix this problem is to go back to earth and destroy that human. I shouldn't of saved her, this must be my guilty conscience for taking pity on her. Well, I'll fix that and things will go back to normal. I grinned and felt my power course through my veins. I waited patiently for Whis to take off. "Where are we going my lord?" Whis asked with a curious expression.


Your pov:

You opened your right eye and watched piccolo calmly breath in and out. Wow, he's really focused. You thought watching him sit in the butterfly position. "Focus." Piccolo said in a sharp tone. You quickly closed your right eye. This continued for another thirty minutes before your stomach growled. "That's our cue to call it a day." Piccolo said standing up. "Meet me back here around five am sharp." He said before flying away. You looked around at your surroundings. "How do I get back?" You wondered. Piccolo groaned. "I don't have time for this." He landed next to you. "Get on my back." You gulped. "What?" You said taking a step back. Is he going to throw me in a volcano? You wondered.

"I'm going to take you to a place to eat." Piccolo said giving you a stone cold look. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and didn't complain. You were hungry and kind of tired. Honestly it was around seven pm, you ate lunch but that was hours ago. Piccolo dropped you off at a local ramen and sushi place. You walked in and found Bulma eating with Vegeta. You smiled at them. Bulma was talking about what looked like blue prints while eating ramen, and Vegeta had his arms crossed looking like he wanted to be anywhere else. You laughed a little, it looked so natural. You hurried over and ordered some ramen to go. You didn't want to stay and interrupt them. You left the building and started eating your ramen.

You made it down the street a little ways than you saw a figure standing in the middle of the street. You felt your eyes widen when you realized who it was. "Beerus?" You said in confusion. He raised his hand and a purple glow illuminated from him. You felt your stomach drop and what you didn't realize was that it was your food falling from your hands. If you weren't scared to death you'd be upset. Beerus stood frozen in the middle of the road and you felt frozen in place. Beerus grinned sadistically and you took a step back. He's not serious right? In an instant he threw a kai blast and it headed straight for you. You threw your arms over your head hoping that somehow that would shield you. It happened so fast you felt like you had no time to react. This is a nightmare! Was he really trying to kill you?

AN: I know its been a while, but I've had a lot go on so sorry for not writing and I know Beerus sounds scary but don't worry this won't be some horror fiction or creepy pasta. I just think I need to add more of Beerus being who he is and include his personality from dragon ball super.

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