the antagonist

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in mars

zetrick : it's time to take him home

xerina : making us fall in moroseness

zetrick : zigor ! it's time to make him pay. on earth, europe, paris

back in paris

loud growls and screams

pacifico : what's that ?

spaceboy : go out and see. not to fast, un

pace : ok, sir

spaceboy : that's my new favorite

mira : what is this horrible thing ?

pace : it looks like a dinosaur

telepathically to mira : zigor : i'm here for your master. where is here ?

mira : he's here for our master

pacifico : he's telepathic ?

mira : what should we do ?

pace : hypnotize him, mira. manipulate him, pacifico, i will take him out from the deep end

mira : inside the deep, inside your mind, for my starvation, under consideration she sings as a siren

zigor falls to his knees staring blanking at mira and behind her was pacifico

pacifico : look at me and tell me why you want him

zigor : it's my only way to survive

pacifico : come again ?

zigor : i'm controlled by my master

pacifico : oh but why our master

pace : au revoir

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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