"The Concept of Love"

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I will believe, not for just a moment nor a few minutes, but for all of my life, that the idea of the feeling of love, this undying emotion that I yearn to successfully feel again, only fills me with hate and dispair. My past experiences with such a powerful, yet cancerous emotion, causes me to regret ever learning to feel such. My body cannot take much more heartache, but yet I push on, using what little motivation I have left to, hopefully one day, find this emotion in its purest of states:


This, this very concept of love, causes my mind to race with thoughts of dates, anniversaries, even children of my own. Though, this is when my mind slips into the realm of fantasy, creating imaginary people who I call upon not for reliance, but for comfort.

This imagination overdrive churns my head, and my stomach, to the fullest of its extent, possibly even further than that. And in the end, after all of the euphoria has finished coursing through my body, I faint, not from abandonment of love, but from my state of mind breaking down from overdosing on the thought.

The very thought, on the concept of love.

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