Raisin' Me Up

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In the distorted plane of reality stands two heroes! Both of them have reached tail end of their journey as they become faced by two evil scientists who desire total dominion over their dimensions! This vile contraption they've created is the main source for the destruction caused on both of their realities! But these young heroes however, are more than enough to stop the deeds of these evil men! It was time that they show them the real power of Teamwork and Friendship!

Sonic and Blaze called on both the power of the Chaos and Sol Emeralds together to empower them! Sonic first summoned the Chaos Emeralds, turning him into his Chaos form: Super Sonic! Next Blaze was endowed with her Sol form, in which to become the Burning Blaze, and the battle for their dimensions had begun! Sonic had began dodging up and down while Blaze deflected their attacks at them! They raced towards them one at a time while hitting the cockpit of the machine effortlessly! The machine was wearing down with every single blow!

The machine reached critical, as they began to charge themselves up to land the final blow!


Once charged they propelled themselves forward, and with synchronized force it destroyed the machine, as both Eggmen retreated, and were sent back to their separate dimensions! A blinding light had made the machine turn to dust, only to be carried off by the spaces between reality.

Eggmen: We won't forget this!

Both Eggmen had shouted in unison.

Sonic and Blaze watched as the explosion of light had faded. They were side by side with each other as they realized it was time. Sonic looked onward to the plane of reality.

Sonic: This is it...

Sonic turned to Blaze as she looked to him.

Blaze:...Yes, it is. (Eyes closing)

Sonic: Everything will be back to normal.

Sonic said also thinking about the battle as well, and Blaze was still pondering.

Blaze: I've got to return to my world as well. The Chaos and Sol Emeralds cannot exist in the same world. It would cause another crisis.

Sonic: (looking onward) Then I guess it's time to say...goodbye. Cream is really gonna miss you.

Blaze: (Looks back to Sonic)...I have no choice.

Sonic: No words from you?

Blaze: (Pause)...It's better this way. I first came here as a stranger out of nowhere. I think it's appropriate that I leave the same way.

Blaze: (Smiles) Sonic...thank you for your help... (Opens her eyes) Bye.

Blaze turned to travel back.

Sonic: (Abruptly), (Pause)...This is from me! I'll see you again Blaze!

Blaze: (looks to him)...Yes...Again...

Blaze approached him and extended her hand. Sonic lifted his, and firmly took her hand. Suddenly a strange force was trying to pull them back to their own worlds. Sonic had tried to keep hold of Blaze's hands by placing his other hand on top of hers. They rose up higher trying to hold on, but finally fate had pulled them apart.

A few minutes later, Sonic was back in his dimension. He look forwards as he thought about Blaze. The night sky he had found himself in had been filled with clouds and the moonlight shining right in between them. His friends below him were waiting for his return. Sonic landed down, and the Emeralds had been released, and scattered apart waiting to be found once again! Sonic had kneeled down in exhaustion...thinking about the battle once again.

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