Season 2 Death Battle Trivia

Start from the beginning

Alex Russo vs Terra Branford

nobody asked for this

This is one of those fights which I have no idea why I thought them up. I think I just thought "hm, two girls that can use magic, could fly". Also, I guess I had just wanted to use Terra in a DB for too long, that I was fine with any foe she comes across. Hm. Maybe I should have pitted her against Reboot!Dante, since they have a few things more in common. vs DmC!Dante...could be a good idea for DeviantArt...*writes it in DA matchup considerations list*

As for the fight...yeah, I did NOT realize how much of a stomp this was until it was too little and too late. I mean Alex has the hax for it, but Terra is simply a girl that can slice her up in the blink of an eye, star-moving magical hax or no. But hey, at least Alex had hax going for her, right? And she had the perfect way to end Terra, right? Unlike the ridiculous sh*tstomp that is Esdeath vs Exdeath, this fight is quite closer...

Overall, this fight was kinda fun to write up. With the wide array of magic these girls have up their sleeves, the possibilities are boundless, and though I think I could have written it better, I like to think I delivered, if only by a bit.

Oh, and obligatory Boomstick Disney fetish joke was obligatory.

Oh, and obligatory Boomstick Disney fetish joke was obligatory

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Captain James Hook vs Captain Jack Sparrow

Lo and behold, the shortest fight in this season, rivaled only by an entry further down this list.

This's just meh. I mean, with one combatant having little source material to base off of, and the other being just too...exuberant, I had little to work with. Now, Jack Sparrow is quite the interesting character, with a lot of wit and intelligence, but with my idea well having run dry, I kinda feel like I was rushing to meet a deadline, and I rolled out a rather...bland fight onto your computer screens.

Overall, this fight is kinda just...kinda there.

There. Short analysis for a short fight.

Ragna the Bloodedge vs Kamui Tokinomiya

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Ragna the Bloodedge vs Kamui Tokinomiya

There are two fights that I'm VERY disappointed with in this season. One is an entry further down this list. The other one is — you guessed it — this.

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