Cute but Weird

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Dark Pit's nightmares got worse. Because he was the dark version of Pit, he was prone to them. Once, he went in the hot spring and fell asleep, he had a nightmare and nearly DROWNED in the water. DROWNED. He didn't want to sleep again so he put a certain herb in his coffee to keep him up. He locked himself in his room and stayed awake, only getting out to get coffee. "Pitoo? Where are you?" Asked his Other. No awnser. His eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep. He had massive weight loss because of not eating. He was so thin that you can see his ribcage. His skin was pale white because of not seeing the sun. "Ptooey?" Sighed Pit. (Kid Icarus: Uprising reference) Ptooey came out of his room to get coffee. "Hey, nigh-" Pit couldn't finish his sentence when he saw a tear down Dark Pit's cheek.
"D-d-d- Dark P-p-Pit?" He stammered... Dark Pit's coffee spilt as he turned over, crying over the Other's shoulder. "It's ok, Pitoo. You will be fine! I'll sleep with you!" So, they got into Ptooey's bed. As Pit went to sleep, he felt kicking and thrashing on his legs. He woke up and saw the cold sweat on Ptooey's forehead. Dark Pit was having a nightmare. Pit held him closer and hugged him. "Don't worry, my Ptooey. You will be ok." He wispered into Dark Pit's ear. He kissed him on the forehead. What was that warm feeling on Dark Pit's forehead? He doesn't know, but that stopped the nightmare.

 What was that warm feeling on Dark Pit's forehead? He doesn't know, but that stopped the nightmare

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