Love you and Fear on YOU

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"On Fear and Love"

You often hear it said by people who pretend to have wisdom, "Perfect love casts out fear", or that "There is no fear in love". Let me tell you this, when you love that is the time you confront all your fears or you're dead even before you get started.

There was even a wise guy who told me that "Fear is the interest you pay for a loan you will never have". It is impossible to fear the past or the present. Fear is always about the future, but the future does not exist at this moment, therefore the fear cannot exist either! There is no fear. Yet I have it daily.

What is the reason for this nagging fear which invade even my dreams? It's the fear that I might be wrong AGAIN. There is no security for promises we made or promises made to us. Words look neat on paper as a legal document but once circumstances get messed up, all promises are thrown into the wind - catch them if you can or the person who made it.

Then, again, those who fear love's trials won't have its full benefits, like a person who's forever in self-exile from his beloved. One needs a home for his heart and he fights to.have it. The proof is as much for the one who fights as well as for the one he fights for. When circumstances are difficult, the more we turn to love as it's our only defense and survival, the reason we are here at all. That's it, let me pawn everything I have and pay the price for this love. :)

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