Avatar: The Last Airbender

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Themes (Thumbs Up)

- Aang not ending up with Katara. He is only twelve in the series, but I always thought giving up on Katara would lead to a lot of potential character growth for him.

- Airbenders weren't completely exterminated by the Fire Nation, and instead have been in hiding. The fact everyone believes this to be true doesn't mean it is, but the task of exterminating an entire people takes more a mere ambush.

- Azulon didn't order Zuko's death. When he said Ozai should learn what it was like to lose a first born son, he meant giving Zuko to Iroh as a replacement for Lu Ten and/or it was supposed to be Azula who was killed. While it is true that Azulon is cruel, he did love his older son, and Zuko could have helped Iroh heal. In addition to this, Zuko was not the child Ozai cared about. With Azula and Zuko's display, Azulon could see that Ozai favorited his second child in the same way he wanted Azulon to favor him. He could also see Zuko's training was neglected, but would know that Iroh would not neglect said training.

- Dark Avatar, but not like the one that showed up in LoK. The Avatar is in fact only one spirit reincarnated tying into the inspiration for the character, the Dalai Lama, which is again only one spirit reincarnated. Instead, the Dark Avatar ties into negative feelings Aang has regarding the end of the war.

- Energy bending has consequences with the removal of bending powers still equating a death sentence for Ozai.

- Iroh becomes the next Fire Lord instead of Zuko allowing his nephew a chance to live his life and continue to discover what kind of Fire Lord he wants to be.

 - Iroh is Zuko's father, which makes Lu Ten his half brother. Not fond of the idea beyond Zuko and Lu Ten being half-brothers rather than cousins.

- Lu Ten is Zuko's real father. Lu Ten could be around the same age as Ozai, meaning there is an age gap between Ozai and Iroh. Ozai and Iroh may also have different mothers as well. On top of this, it was an arranged marriage.

- Lu Ten acts like a brother to Zuko, and is first person he admired to be taken away.

- Minor avatars, much in the same way there are minor Lama.

- Ozai blamed Ursa for his father's death, rather than her killing Azulon. While it would make sense that with the above Azulon theme that he might have tricked Ursa into believing her beloved son was dying, why would she have gone to Ozai instead of Azulon for confirmation?

- Crossover with Xiaolin Showdown. Long before Noren and Kiri showed up, I thought of Kimiko as equivalent to Kiryi's position but older, and Noren's position as Kimiko's father, plus add in two different worlds in the mix.

Pairing (Thumbs Up)

- Aang/Katara – One sided, as Aang is twelve and the relationship always seemed more like a first crush that kids get when they just hit puberty. Katara is also more like a mother or sister, and a teen reciprocating the feelings of a preteen is problematic. Her maturity level is also a lot farther along. I like the idea of using his growing out of this crush for character development.

- Aang/Toph – I like this pairing because of Aang's vision in the swamp, and it is one of my OTP. It is a relationship both would grow into as their childhood

- Aang/Zuko – One sided, having Aang shift his crush from Katara to Zuko as he deals with the confusion most preteens go through during puberty in regards to who they are. The situation is awkward for Zuko due him liking Katara, his social awkwardness and the fact he likes being an older brother figure/friend to Aang.

- Haru/Ty Lee – Another OTP, one that I gained a soft spot for because of School Time Shipping.

- Jet/Katara – Not my OTP, but this one also plays into the theme of forgiveness. If Jet had lived, it would have added an interesting dynamic.

- Jet/Smellerbee – Not a pairing I'd write for unless I got a request for it, but I can see it working.

- Longshot/Smellerbee – Not a pairing I'd write for unless I got a request for it, but I can see it working.

- Zuko/Azula – One sided, and pretty much dealing with Azula's insanity. It wouldn't be used as a romance pairing, but one of horror.

- Zuko/Katara – I like the character dynamics. This is one of my OTP. I was drawn to this pairing due to their bonding moments, but also the theme of forgiveness. I also like the idea of Zuko being in denial of his feelings in the same way he's in denial of other parts of who he is.

Themes (Thumbs Down)

- I'm not likely to use material from LoK due to the writing issues with the sequel series, but also because I never came to like any of the characters like I did to AtLA.

Pairings (Thumbs Down)

- Aang/Katara – While I don't mind shipping the pairing as one-sided on Aang's part, there is the difference in maturity level, the fact Aang is still in his developmental stage. I also feel learning to deal with not getting the girl would help him grow and mature as a person.

- Zuko/Mai – I don't dislike Mai, but there was no spark. It just was, and what was expected of them by Fire Nation standards. The only memorable thing about Mai for me is that she married Zuko, and her little brother. She'd sink into the background without the other characters.

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