Chapter Four

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That's when the panic set in.

Of course, some naive part of you thought that they would let you go. But this was shot down by Error's words. What would happen to you? Would you be held captive? Where would they put you? What if you never saw your family? What if they end up killing you? What if Error kills you behind Ink's back? What if they take you somewhere you can't escape? What if they leave you here to starve to death? What if-

"Are you okay?" called a voice. You look up and see Ink with a worried expression. This was, surprisingly, the only panic attack you've had today.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You say, quietly calming down. Ink heaves a sigh.

"Actually, Error's right. We can't just leave you here... you'd die. And with no Frisk to RESET, wiping your memories..." he shrugged. "Whatever. You know what? I'll have a new roommate." Error looked sick.

"Ink, don't forget what happened the last time we... took a glitch in..." his voice trailed off, almost in a sad way. What was he talking about? You had no idea. A sort of clouded look came over both Error and Ink's eyes, and Ink gave Error a sympathetic smile.

 "It's alright, Error. She won't end up like... her. Trust me on this one, okay?"

Error's eyes went sullen for a little,but soon the wild grin returned to his face.

"Right. well, just tell me when she's dead. I could use the LV." Error's voice was bitter, his words sharp. They made you want to get as far away from him as possible. Ink looked a bit pained, but he's soft smile returned.

"Don't mind him. C'mon, let's go.

I guess...

This is how my new begins.

With a bunch of crazy skeletons.

301 Words

A Splash Of Color {Ink! Sans X Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt