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{Violet Hale}

I walked down the spiral stairs as I noticed Derek and some boy standing around. This boy was fairly tall, had curly blonde hair, and was pacing in front of the giant window. 

"You know I'm starting not to like this idea, sounds kind of dangerous. You know what I defiantly don't like him". They boy stated as I entered the room, once he noticed me he just stopped and stared. Derek was few feet anyway, sitting in a chair with a book in his lap. I smirked at this boy as sat on the table in the middle of the room. 

"You'll be fine". Derek informed him not looking up from the book in his hands.

"Does it have to be him?" Asked the boy crossing his arms over his chest, I started to study his features as he looked at the window. He looked around 17, he had a perfect jawline, and he was super cute. 

I bit my lip as Derek looked back at me, "He's a kid. Let it go". This made the boy look at us confused as I shrugged my shoulders. Ever since Derek and I were kids he was able to read me like a book, I think it's his Werewolf senses notices my Vampire senses. 

"He knows how to do it. I don't. It'll be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself". Derek spoke turning back to his book.

The boy sighed, "You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? You know I personally, I'd well, I'd trust Scott" Asked the boy. My head snapped in his direction at the mention of Scott. The boy I met last night his name was Scott, it had to be a coincidence. They've been talking about this 'him' for the past hour and has failed to even mention a name. 

"Nobody likes him". Spoke Derek as the metal door slid open and a figure walked through the door. A smile spread across my face as I realized who they were talking about.

"Boy's. Fyi, yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is you're feeling straight to my face". He said smirking while walking in as the door shut behind him.

Derek looked up from the book and closed it, "We don't like you. Now shut up and help us". 

Peter chuckled, "Fair enough". Then his attention turned to me and smiled, "Violet! How's my favorite niece".

I smiled back, "I could be better". 

Derek scoffed, "She's only your favorite because you could turn her into a psychotic killer and no one could stop her". I glared at Derek. He's always been jealous of Peter giving me his attention ever since we've been kids. Peter shrugged as Derek stood up and the boy sat down in the chair. Peter circled around his as the boy started to get anxious

"Relax. I'll get more out if you're calm". Peter said walking behind the boy with his claws out. I know what he's going to do, I've only seen him do it one other time but that was on my father. 

"How do you know how to do thins again?" Asked the boy as he looked back at Peter still nervous. 

"It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alpha's, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip and you could paralyze someone. Or kill them" Peter said tracing his claws on the boys neck. 

"You've had alot of practice, though, right?" The boy asked turning to face Peter once again.

"Well I've never paralyzed anyone". Peter said sarcastically. 

"Wait, does that mean that you-" He was cut off by Peter jamming his claw into the back of his neck. They both started to twitch as Derek and I looked at each other confused.

"Wait! I see them". Peter spoke before pulling his claw out of his neck and falling backwards a little. Derek and I stood up as I rushed to the boy sitting in the chair. He had a hole in the back of his neck and he looked terrified. 

"What'd you see?" Asked a concern Derek. I became more confused as I wanted to know who they were looking for. 

"It was confusing". Peter said using the wall for support. "Uh, images, uh vague shapes."

"But you saw something?" Asked Derek as he walked over to me and the boy, who's name I still didn't know.

"Isaac found them". Peter said looking around the room, he found who? I shook my head and turned to Derek.

"Found who?" I asked making Isaac look up at me.

"Erica and Boyd?" Derek questioned Peter but also answering my question.

"I barley saw them. Glimpes". Peter said still looking around the room.

"But you did see them?" Derek asked once again, he was aggravated. I'm guessing whoever Erica and Boyd were he needed them found immediately.  

"Worse." Peter whispered knowing we all could hear him. I turned and faced Peter as we all gave him a confused look.

"Deucalion." Derek simply said making me turn my attention back to him, he sat back down in the chair and looked at the ground and sighed.

"He was talking to them, something about time running out". Peter finally looked over at us, well looked at Derek.

"What does it mean?" Asked Isaac finally asked as he held the back of his neck and looked between Derek and I.

"He's going to kill them". Derek spoke looking at Peter and then to me. Why was everyone looking at me? I have no idea about any of these things, I'm just as lost.

"No, no, no, no, no he didn't say that. He did make them a promise that by the full moon that they'd both be dead". Peter spoke looking at the wall in front of him.

"The next full moon?" Questioned Derek as he stared at Peter.

"Tomorrow night". Peter said looking at us and shaking his head.

This couldn't be good...

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