"What if we get arrested for this though, then what?" I quiz. If I were to get arrested my parents would kill me and not only that but, it could ruin any chances I have of getting a good job. "My dad's the mayor and he's like your second dad, I'm pretty sure he'll get us out of this." She assures not only me but, herself.

"What about college though. If this goes on my record I'll lose my scholarship." I begin to freak out. "My dad's best friends with the chancellor of our college and I'll make sure he doesn't do that. Now stop worrying you're making me nervous. Maria must have really planned all of this and the fact that she has a lot of connections really helps us.

"Okay." I sigh as we come to stand directly in front of Josh's brand new Shelby mustang, his pride and joy. No we're not ruining it either, see the plan is to plant a pound of cocaine along with 100,000 bucks in his car, then call the cops claiming that a man tried to sell us drugs and give them his plate number and a description of his car. I feel really bad about it because it's uncalled for to frame him over something like this but, Maria seems to think it's a good idea.

Maria checks to see if the drivers door is open and to our luck it is. "A little help would be nice." She laughs as she hops into the car holding the illegal drugs in her hands. "Where do we put everything?" I ask.

"Um..The console?" She shrugs making me nod as I get into the passenger seat and pull the small compartment open placing the money into as Maria does the same with the drugs. Touching everything probably isn't very smart but, our police department is shit anyways. Both of us get out of the car before Maria dials the number to the police station explaining "what happened"


Before long a cop car shows up the lights brightly flashing a red and blue. The police officers get out and some are accompanied by German Shepherds as they begin to search around the car searching for any sign of illegal drugs while others ask us several questions.

"So, if you guys were asked if you wanted drugs before he was he then how did you guys get to his car?" A tall, bold policemen asked me as he held a pen and notepad in hand. "Well we-uh.." I stutter as I look to Maria for help but she just gives me a look saying "stay calm and don't run your mouth." I look back to the cop before answering.

"We wanted to try to find his car just in case you guys couldn't." I nervously smile. "Why would you think we couldn't handle it?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well we thought maybe he'd end up getting away of leaving town before you could-" I get interrupted as the dog growls loudly. Knowing it wasn't over the drugs because they had already been found I looked over just in time to see one of the big dogs jumping on top of Maria. Shit.

Before I know what's happening we're being handcuffed and placed into the back of a car cop. This is definitely not how I planned on spending my night.

*****Maria's POV*****
I tightly grip onto the bars of Ashley and I's cell as I scream several profanities at the dumb ass cops. I honestly never meant for this to happen and at the time it seemed like a good idea but, it definitely wasn't. The worst part is that I had to drag Ashley into this, I feel like such corruptive bitch right now. "Calm down." Ashley tries to get me to shut up for the millionth time.

"How the hell do you expect me to shut up? You should be pissed at me Ash!" I yell. "But I'm not because I understand it wasn't intentional." She sighs as she shakes her head. "Just calm down, your dad will be here soon." Ashley faked a smile. I knew this bothered her a lot.


"What the fuck were you thinking?" Dad growls as he pushes the heavy doors of the jail open. "I was thinking maybe, just maybe I could save a relationship. I know what it's like seeing two people torn apart, I know because when mom left us it tore you apart. I can't watch one of my best friend in that state." I roll my eyes.

Dad sighs as he rubs his temples with his middle finger. "Ok Maria but, was doing something this stupid worth it?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes." I scuff. Dad knows how close I am to Linzey and Ashley, he's even close enough to them to count them as his daughters.

"No it's not." He shakes his head. "I thought I raised you to know better. I expect more from you, both of you." He sighs once again as he looks between the two of us in disappointment. "I'll save your asses this time but, if you do something this stupid again, you're on your own." He speaks making the two of us nod. "Come on." He spoke as he opened the door for us.

Sorry this isn't the best but, I haven't been able to go through and see what things I want to change and I'm in class right now so, I'm really not supposed to be on here. I also want to say that I might post the next chapter sooner then I thought because it's going to tell you what went on while Ashley and Maria were gone and what happens to them next. Comment below and tell me what you think is going to happen in the next chapter!! <3


P.s. Have a wonderful Thursday!! :)

Country's Her Middle (Luke Bryan Fan Fiction) BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now