The Drunk old smelly guy that lies.

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Hey So I Don't own Naruto. Sorry.  Please comment and say what you want to happen!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Sasuke, Point A"

"Sakura, Point B"


"NARUTO!!! Point C!!!!!"

"Mona, Point D"

"Kay how far away are you to the target?"

"5 Meter's" 


"Same, Believe it!!!"

"1 centimeter." And out of the tree's and bushes they fell, while I pet the cat causing it to purr into my arms.

"You couldn't have just said you where holding the cat could you?" Snapped sakure. God moody much

"Yo, is it your time of the month? Cause you are being a bigger bitch than usual." Hahahaha she looks like a tomato!!!!

Huffing she stormed off towards the hokages tower her face bright and steam coming off her head. Stupid stalker. I pet the kitty even more letting it relax into my arms. I wish I had a kitty. Or a dog. Or a fox. Maybe a dragon. That'd be cool. I've always liked animals. They always calmed me down. I wonder if Ibiki would let me get a pet. But then Liyla-sensei would make me get rid of it saying that it would make it harder for me to get adopted. she's really been stressing the adoption thing resently. She's made me meet at least ten different family's to see if they would be willing to adopt me. of course all have said no because of my refusal to show them my face. I wanted to be adopted because they wanted to adopt me, Not because of my face.

I felt the cat start to paw at my mask and slapped her hand away gently. sighing I began to walk trying to catch up to my team who had left me behind to think. They could have told me they were leaving. The sun shined down through the trees as a breeze blew against my cape tempting me to tear it off. Suddenly out of no where a dog came rushing at me and tackling me to the ground. shouts came after the dog, but it didn't even pay attention to them. he and the cat were having a stare down over my body, one on each side of me.

"Akamaru!!! What's gotten into you?" Asked a boy with a surprisingly wolfish complexion. How weird....

"I-i'm S-sure he d-didn't mean it R-right, akamaru?" Why the heck was that girl stutteting? She was really pretty though. I liked her purplish hair best.

"Whatever..." Wow mutt boy was moody.

The dog and cat started to fight above me sending them off into the bush.

"Sorry about Akamaru. He usually doesn't do that. wait a minuete!!! your that girl that joined our class last minute!!!." Wow he's observant.

"Yes. Thank you for stating the obvious. you sound just like sakura." Okay maybe that was harsh.

"God, sorry..." God his little flinch made me feel guilty.....

"Sorry, it's just that I'm having a not so great day..." Wow he really does have a lot of mood swings.

"Oh!!!! I get it!!!!!" Leaning over he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet.

"So what's your name again?" Wasn't he supposed to say his first?....

"Mona Enjeru" I said brushing the dirt off of my clothes.

"Cool!!!! I'm Kiba and this is Hinata!!!" WOw he's hyper 

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