Moring blues or not ?

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Your pov

I wake up to getting smacked in the face, I shoot up and see the boys fighting over the iPad and it fell on my face,

"GOSH DAM-" I stopped "is what a beaver builds don't ever say that word!" I said while touching my forehead where the iPad fell,

"My forehead tch"

"Sowwy momma"

"It's okay Eren but don't fight over the iPad again EVER!"

Levi looked startled and looked like he was about to cry he does this thing with his lip, that's how I know. Eren on the other hand he doesn't cry much because we toughen him up,

"Both of to no iPad for 2 days !" I scolded both of them

" Eren come here" I call from the bathroom.

"Bath time !!" Eren ran as he went to get a towel

"Yeah bath time !" I said putting bubbles in the bath tub "Levi you're next" I call out

"Bath?" Levi questioned

"Yeah remember at the hotel ?"

"No I no remember...sowwy"

"Don't apologize Levi it's okay if you don't know what a bath is"

I was really starting to think about the dream I had last night, I'm still not sure it was a dream then I was cut off by a big splash and getting wet

"EREN!" I say getting off the floor quickly

"Whoops Sowwy momma"

"Tch I have to change my clothes now ugh but first I have to get you done with your bath.....I don't trust you being alone here" I said getting a towel that was hanging to clean up the water mess "let alone not being allowed to make a water mess" I said to myself

~~~About 10 minutes pass~~~

"Eren let go!"


"EREN 1!"


"EREN 2"




I grabbed Eren out of the bath and put him in his room to get him dressed and ready for the day while he was crying cause I took him out of the bath...that and I took the I pad away for the rest of the week

I put him down in his bed and hopefully he would fall asleep I put my shorts on and go find Levi


"Yes" He said from under my bed

"JESUS HOW DID YOU GET UNDER-" he began to do the lip thing "Never mind...let's go take a bath okay" I said while picking him up

"Mama what a bath ?"

"Well it when you fill a big tub full (almost full) of water and you sit and play in it but you can't pee in it or number 2 cause mama won't be happy and that mean nobody will be happy- anyways I'll show you"

I turn the water on, it scared him and he hugged me tight and grabbed my back tightly,

"Levi it's okay come here" he did he lip thing and then he began to cry, "Levi it's okay look it will be okay it's just water let get you undressed and in the water, okay ?"

He looked unsure "do you want bubbles?" He nodded his head I added bubbles and he looked a little happy not much tho, I took his shirt off then he look worried then I took his pants of he didn't like that he cried, it smelled like poop, I think he pooped,
I grabbed the wipes and layer Levi down he was scared and was rubbing his eyes from the tears and I changed his diaper then I put him in the bathtub and he was like a stick, didn't move and was still,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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