Pirate Chains - Monkey D. Luffy: Chapter 7

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We all thought about the facts. There seemed to be something missing in this picture. How did the pirates reduce time? We were going to have to check this out for ourselves. “So where do you think these pirates live?” I asked.

“Why would you want to know a thing like that?!” Ussop panicked.

Zoro smirked. “Scared already?”

“Me?! No way! Why, I say we lure them out here instead! No point in destroying a perfectly good house.” He sniped.

Nami thought about it for a second. “That’s actually…not a bad idea! Who would have thought a cover up lie would be useful out of you?”


“I don’t get it” Luffy said.

“Think about it Luffy,” I started “They can’t see their own reflection to erase other peoples’ time, so if we fought them in a place where they can see themselves…”

He thought about it. “Then they can’t erase time!” He deducted

“That’s right! Hopefully thinking, if that’s their big gun, then they’d be at a disadvantage.” I said. “But we’re not out of the woods yet. It’s better to keep investigating, rather than to start planning.” I said.

Nami nodded. “Everyone, back in original pairs and we’ll find out all we can about these pirates before they find out about us. That, and before some ill-brain imbecile,” she looked at Luffy, looked behind himself, clueless to her implication, “barge in and fight recklessly.”

“Either way, I’m stuck with a coward.” Zoro shrugged. He then started walking off and Ussop ran to catch up with him. Nami took their clue, waved to us and was on her way. Something tells me that she’s looking for more than just pirates: she wants their treasure.

“Alright! We got us some pirates to find!” Luffy cheered.

“Yes…but where do we start looking?” I asked. I looked around a bit of our surroundings. We came from the north side of town, Zoro and Ussop left southeast, and Nami went southwest. Looks like we’ll have to go straight south to get back into town.

“This way!” Luffy pointed. We walked back into the town, which was as busy as ever. Luffy snuck us onto a rooftop so we can get a better view of where everything is. We could even see Zoro and Ussop from up here. Luffy gave a shout and wave, but they didn’t hear us. Well, at least Nami knew how to be stealthy. “Aw, they didn’t notice me.” He pouted.

“It is noisy…but we still need to find their hideout.” I didn’t want to sound like a bore, but we need to do what we need to do. Ah, there’s Nami!” I pointed. She was going far west to outside of the town area. She found a house—mansion farther away from it all. “She found it!” that was fast for a ten minute scout, or maybe she already knew that that was the place they would be.

“Let’s get Ussop and Zoro and catch up!” he said, jumping down. I wasn’t quite as fearless as he was; I took a longer way down. He didn’t mind though. It was good to know he was patient.

Of course, I retracted that statement when he jumped onto another roof, stretched his arms and pulled the two up and tossed them down by me. The townspeople were too busy to notice the flying people or overstretched arms. “Come on! Nami found the way!” he declared

“Already!?” Ussop was genuinely shocked

“That was fast,” Zoro shrugged. It was in a way that acknowledges her skills. That and he didn’t have to wander around so much anymore. Well, they did look like they were arguing earlier. That. And Zollo is terrible with directions. That’s why Nami is our navigator and not he.

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