Pirate Chains - Monkey D. Luffy: Chapter 6

Beginne am Anfang

He blinked. “Oh…I guess we can’t. But I thought you were getting pushed around, with everyone rushing and whatnot.” He answered.

He did this for me? “Really, thanks Luffy.” I smiled. He then got us off the roof, heading to an area at the back. No one was there.

“Wow! This place looks like a great place to sleep!” he declared, falling back on the grass. He fell asleep instantly, snoring. I let out a laugh. He really fell asleep. I sat down next to him. There was no use in ditching the captain, so I might as well wait for him to wake up.

About a solid ten minutes passed in silence as I waited. I didn’t mind, it was nice weather, and I was still half asleep myself. I felt something wrap around me. I looked to see his arms! I blushed. I tried to pull out of his grasp. “Luffy. Luffy, wake up!” I said.

He blinked awake. Subconsciously, he put his arms back to his side. “Huh? Rune?” he asked. I assume he didn’t realize what just happened. He stood up and stretched. He overly stretched his arm out, sending it flying to the supposed stone wall that was covered in vines. We heard a crash and when Luffy pulled his arm back, there were splinters. After removing them, we decided to check it out. Moving the vines, there was a door with a hole in the middle from where Luffy busted through. I tried to open it. It was locked. Luffy stretched his arm through the hole and opened the door from the inside. We stepped in and saw a roomful of mirrors.

“What’s with all these mirrors?” Luffy asked.

“Not sure yet. But come to think about it, there was no way to see your reflection in the town. The glass was rather dark and thick too.” I realized.

“Oh yeah!” Luffy agreed.

“Curiouser and curiouser…” I trailed off. What could be so important as for this town to be removed of mirrors?

Luffy’s p.o.v

I crossed my arms and came up with a conclusion. “These people must not like looking at themselves!” I stated before I heard a laugh.

Azmaria’s p.o.v

I couldn’t help but laugh. That was something I should have expected Luffy to say, really. He was so simple minded, but I guess that wasn’t such a bad thing. I decided to talk when I stopped laughing and calmed down. “No, I don’t think that’s the case Luffy.” I said.

“Hmm…then what?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. Let’s rendezvous back with Nami and the others to sort this one out.” I suggested.

He nodded. “Okay! Then we eat!” he grinned. He began to drag me along. He was always hungry and I learned to grow used to dealing with it. I didn’t mind.

We searched all over town. It seemed by midday, most people were already doing what where they were supposed to be. They weren’t late anymore…or at the moment. Finally, we managed to round everyone up. Note to self: do not pair up Ussop and Zoro anymore. Bad combination. They’re both good people, but Zoro cannot work with directions while Ussop lied about knowing how to take them back. They lack the compatibility to work together as useful comrades, pardon my language. It seems everyone’s personalities are starting to affect me one way or another.

“Now that we’re all here, what did you need to bring us together for?” Nami asked. I guess from her irritated mood, she must not have found anything useful.

“Lunch!” Luffy declared.

“Well, there is that too…” I said, nervously due to Nami punching Luffy on the head for yelling so loudly even though we were all together here.

“What else is there?” Zoro asked.

“Don’t tell me you found them!?” Ussop panicked. This could only mean that he’s still scared of these “time eliminator” pirates. To his relief, I shook my head no.

“No, but we did find something interesting. We’ll show you after lunch.”I said. I pointed to Luffy, who was already well on his way to the restaurant.

We caught up with him. We ate at the same place again, seeing as we were still so very unfamiliar with this town. As usual, the size of this meal seems to always surprise me even though the biggest portions belonged to Luffy and Zoro.

We headed over to that area when we somehow finished our meals. “I don’t see anything here.” Ussop stated.

“Not yet anyways.” Nami stated like the smart woman she was.

I nodded. Luffy and I trotted over and revealed the hidden door and opened it once again. “We found…this.” I said.

They walked over and inspected the hidden passage. “What are all these mirrors doing here?” Zoro asked.

“That’s what we want to know!” said Luffy. “I think these people don’t like their reflections!” he stated once again.

“Luffy, that is the dumbest thing I ever heard.” Nami pointed out.

“But it doesn’t make sense as to why all mirrors are locked up here.” Zoro said.

“Maybe the pirates did it?” Ussop suggested. “Maybe they didn’t like seeing their reflection!”

“You know, you may be onto something. The reasoning seems a little absurd however.” I said.

Nami thought about it for a moment. “Hey, maybe it’s to ensure the time draining works properly!” she deduced. We all drew our attention to her. “Think about it. What happens if however the method works can only affect those who see it? Like, if it was meant for someone, but the pirate saw his own reflection instead and got his own time erased?” she suggested.

“Nami, if I hadn’t said this to you before, but you’re brilliant!” I said.

She smirked. “Someone needs some brains on this ship. Thanks” she said.

“But the question is, can we use this to defeat them?” I asked.

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