Pirate Chains - Monkey D. Luffy: Chapter 4

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“Good, no major damage” I thought to myself.

I returned her treasure to her, gently placed them in her small hands. There were minor dents. Tearing up still, she hugged me. I took back my hat and patted her head. She was trapped for so long and now she’s free.

Azmaria’s p.o.v

I pulled away from my savior. We started to walk back when he asked something I thought he would’ve already realized by now. “Azmaria, who was that guy I pummeled for being a rotten jerk?”

I looked at him in bewilderment. “That Luffy, or should I say captain, is my uncle. You’re right. He is a rotten jerk, and you can call me Rune every now and then, alright?” He apologized, but I told him that I could’ve never mustered up the courage to hit him in this lifetime. I was grateful that he did. Then I remembered something. “How do you make your arms stretch like they do? That’s so cool Luffy! You have to show me that again!”

Luffy explained to me about the gum-gum fruit and how he ate it which turned him into a rubber man. Although his dream is to be king of the pirates and have a great crew of friends; he’s physically useless with water.

When we arrived back everybody, all except my unconscious uncle was waiting for us! It was a party to celebrate my farewell. For awhile, I talked to everybody and boy was I sure going to miss them! I stayed for awhile then; when no one was looking I went into the forest. I had to go get my stuff anyways. I went to my tree and packed my stuff. I looked at the marking.

Rune and Nate forever with Azmaria. For my fourth birthday, my mom added my name in. I looked at it and then my watch. “Hey mom, hey dad. Guess what? I’m finally free! Plus, I’ll be a pirate! I got my watch back so you’ll always be with me. I’ll come back to this tree. No one in Cyral will cut it down. It means too much. I love you guys.” I walked back and I found Luffy. “Hey. I’m going to put my stuff on the ship, alright?”

“Sure.” Luffy said.

He pointed to where the ship thing was docked and I walked by myself feeling the cool breeze flow through my long brown hair. I hopped on board and placed my stuff in the spare room. I walked to the edge and took a look at the sea. Tomorrow, that’s my new home. I’m not sure what’ll happen but, I’m not scared. Well, no doubt there will be times where I’ll be petrified, but not tomorrow.

I started to walk back and talked to everybody one last time. When it got too late, I went back to the ship with my new friends and we started to drift away from Cyral. Everyone went to their rooms but I kept looking back, seeing my home grow smaller and smaller. Once it was gone, I shed a tear and looked up at the sky smiling. It’s time to move on. I looked down at my arms and legs. Scars will soon fade away but the memories will remain.

I went to my new room, and took out a new journal. It needs a title… I think I’ll ask the captain himself tomorrow. I started to write all that has happened today and how this is where my adventure starts. Soon, the sand man had paid me a visit.

I awoke as the sun’s rays hit me in the face. Looking out the window I could see the beautiful blue sea. Getting up, I stretched and went to see my shipmates. “Good morning.” I yawned, only to find Luffy out here.

He was sitting on the point of the ship. He should be careful or else he’ll fall! “Morning Rune!” He said, turning around and using my nickname. He hopped onto the boat and came over to me. He grinned. “We’re going to reach an island soon! I just know it! Then we can have an awesome meal! Apple?” he offered.

“Sure” I accepted. We were looking out in the ocean when Luffy noticed something.

“Hey, what’s that?” he said pointing to my arm that I thought I covered. I sighed. I’d have to show them eventually. I rolled up my shirt sleeves and my pants to show that I had scars everywhere. He gasped, as I turned around. I put my hair in front of me and he could see a scar starting at midpoint of my neck coming down. I pulled up the back of my shirt like 2 cm up to show him that it ended down my back. I turned back around and he was wide eyed.

“Your uncle did that to you?! We’re turning this ship around! He’s a jerk and he’ll get it.”

“It’s alright now Luffy. They’ll fade sooner or later.”

“I guess you’re right.”

We were just talking until everyone woke up. We went to a small island where we were supposedly ambushed by an army of 80 million men which turned out to just be a liar and three kids known as “the veggies”. This was apparently “The great captain Ussop’s pirate crew”. Turns out this was actually just a group of good people. Ussop may be a liar, but he does it all in good reason. He uses his tall tales to cheer up the rich but ill Lady Kaya. Ussop’s choice of weapon is a slingshot. He is an excellent marksman. His father is too. Yassop is a pirate that is on the crew of “red-haired” Shanks who gave Luffy the straw hat he wears today. Ussop wants to be just like his dad, though he is a coward. Why am I reporting this? Because after defeating Kurahadol, who was supposedly Kaya’s faithful butler, he turned out to be a pirate trying to steal away her fortune! Ussop is a new addition to the crew.

Pirate Chains - Monkey D. Luffy: Chapter 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz