A New Journey

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Falling felt just like it did in dreams. That gust of shock overwhelming you once you woke up. I should wake up any minute now. 

Hello? Okay, now this is the point where I have realized that I am falling for real. I tried to use the muscles in my back to move my wings, but I am still falling! I close my eyes, the only thing I could hear was my hair whipping my face in the wind. 

I heard the sound of something below me, I open one eye looking down at the possible ground. I opened both eyes, something other than the ground was definitely coming after me. I saw  blur of pink and yellow, next thing I know, something is holding me. 

This point felt like slow motion again. Even though the pink blur was holding me, I was still falling.

"Dimara!" The voice yelled.

A cloud of what seemed like smoke, engulfed us and we weren't falling anymore. The cloud was so dark I could barely see my bangs. 

The cloud deteriorated and I was set on the soft ground. I was so shocked by what happened I couldn't even say anything. 

"Well hello there." A different voice said. 

I looked up at the fairies in front of me. The pink blur had an outfit worth being jealous of. Her clothing was like, a sparkly top that came together at the neck, dark shorts, pink cloth that circles through her belt and hangs down behind her; thigh high leggings that matched her knee high boots. Her hair flowed behind her with two braids leading to a bright pink bow on the back of her head. ; the ends of her hair went from blonde to peachy pink. 

The other wore a purple dress jacket along with a fluffy neck accessory. Her hair was dark brown with highlights of dark purple, and was so curly, each strand looked like a spiral.  I did notice something different about her though... her wings were completely black and were facing downward. I've never seen downward-facing wings before- unlike the other girl's wings, which were diamond-shaped with splashes of peach and yellow. 

"Um... are you just going to stare at us?" the one with the curly hair said.

"Dimara! Don't be rude! She was probably scared to death just now!" the blonde one shouted.

 She looked back to me and said, "Hey, are you okay?" her voice was soothing and a bit higher pitched than the other girl's. 

"Uh y-yeah. I just... I guess it's just kinda scary to know that I probably could have died. Thank you." 

"Yeah, no problem. But, can I ask why you were falling in the first place?"

"Oh, um... well, you see, I just got my wings and-"

"They're white!" the other girl said, her wings perking up a little bit as she squealed.

The blonde one turned to her and gave her a not-so-amused stare. I stood there a bit awkwardly as they argued. They both suddenly turned to me.

"Anyway, you got white wings, and now?" 

"I'm running away."

"Why?" a hint of sympathy and concern was left in her voice.

I almost felt like crying, but I sucked it up and said, "Because Principal MayWheather  wants to take them away. But I worked so hard for them and I don't know what to do."

"Oh, I understand how you feel, but you can't run away from all your problems." she said. 

"I can try..." I said looking at their concerned eyes. 

The one with the curly hair looked up abruptly and gasped with a smile on her face.

"I have an idea. White wings mean no powers, right? Well how about we go get you some powers!"

I looked at her with interest. I can get powers? 

"I don't know, Dimara... that sounds kinda sketchy."

"Oh come on! I know people." she sounded confident. 

"What kind of people?" the blonde one asked.

"People that I know from the shadow realm... that's all." Her voice grew a little quiet and the blonde girl rolled her eyes. 

"Fine. But, if we get into any kind of trouble, I'm blaming you for it."


They both turned to me and the curly haired girl said, "So, how does that sound... um-"

"Onyxia. I'm Onyxia." I said, smiling.

"What a pretty name. I'm Krystall, it's nice to meet you." said the blonde one.

"And I'm Dimara. This journey will not be easy though, just so you know. Are you up for it?"

"If I can be accepted back into the school, I'll try anything."

"Alright, let's get going. I'll lead the way." 


"Um... Dimara? Where are we even going?" Krystall asked.

"We're going to Ka'Penma first, then travel a bit farther off to the Grove of Insentience." 

"Wait, the Grove of Insentience? Isn't that dangerous? You could get stuck there forever!" I said, knowing very well that the Grove of Insentience is a place where fairies who don't know where they're going end up in, forever unconscious with no perception.

"Don't worry, we're not going in there, we're just going to stop by it to where the people who can help you are. I promise." She did sound pretty confident. 

After a while of walking, they told me that both of them are seniors, which explains the wings and why they were allowed to walk around the grounds during hours. Turns out, the reason Krystall knew to catch me was because she's a psychic fairy; meaning she has the ability to see into the future, past, see objects at this very moment even though we're no where near it, and even has telepathy. She said that she had a feeling that she needed to fly up so she warned Dimara when to use her powers. Dimara is a shadow fairy: she can create shadows and even travel to the shadow world. Her wings were because of a very rare mutation that doesn't necessarily affect the flying, but require more strength to fly. They've known each other since they were in the first years of school together.  

I really wish Kana was here with me right now, to experience the scenery that I wasn't even paying attention to. I know she'd love it. She'd definitely just bask it all in, I on the other hand, would probably end up only getting distracted by a Narompie; a blue and gray bird with a long tail that fans out at the end. She loves nature and plants, I like animals. 

Now that I think about it, Kana loves nature, but she's a fire fairy and her parents aren't. And I love animals and my parents are sun and moon fairies, but I have white wings. I was told that the Testala Deirid was mostly based off of personality. What is it then?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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