“Even my mother used me in a way. I thought I was special but I’m not. I knew I could leave until I was 18 so I made a plan to live with my aunt. I asked her and she said yes. I came here to start over. To feel like a normal teenager. A life I never had.”

I am shocked at his story so far but I don’t stop him. I want to hear it all.

“I am not good with… emotions or interacting with people. I never was. I never really cared about other people and their feeling. I just said how it was and I still do but now I try to soften the blow a bit. I’m working on it. But then I met you. Louis”

“You were so filled with life. I could figure out anybody but when I looked at you I saw nothing. All I saw was a beautiful boy sitting across from me who I could not figure out. I was frustrated and confused. I was also curious at what lied beneath those blue eyes.”

“So we hung out and I don’t know what happened actually”

He runs his fingers through his hair and bites down on his lip.

“You made me feel… something I never felt towards another human being. I was so confused about it and everything. I was so infatuated with you that I couldn’t even think straight… and that has never happened to me before. The more I saw you the more infatuated I got. You have this charm this charisma that enchants me every time I see you. I was falling before I even realized it myself”

Holy shit.

“In the beginning actually I wanted you to like leave me alone but you sort of dragged me in” he chuckles to himself.

“I’ve never been in love before”

“Neither have I” I respond

“I know I’m hard headed, selfish, and oblivious to things. Towards a part in our friendship I started to see you act differently and well I was… scarred no terrified. I saw you were starting to like me and I didn’t want that. Well I thought I didn’t”

“I was always told I didn’t need anyone, that all their going to do is bring me down and I need to stay afloat to survive this world”

I felt prickles at my eyes at his words. Did he not want me? Wait he is like giving me a speech.

“But I would drown for you Louis” he whispers so soft I might have missed it if I wasn’t paying so much attention.

I felt a tear fall from my face at his words. His words are so… powerful. I just don’t know anymore.

“I am an atom in a sea of nothing… looking for another to combine with”

I was speechless at his… words? His little meaning he just did. I kind of understand it.

I think he saw my confused face because he smiled.

“I sometimes forget that people don’t understand” he smiled sadly

“I’m sorry”

He shakes his head “It’s okay”

He bites his lips.

“It was when I met you that understood love songs.

At last

 ‘My love has come along

 My lonely days are over

 And life is like a song’

And why couples dance. I understand kissing and why it is so beautiful.

I also understand why broken heart people cry and why they stay away from people when their hearts are shattering.

It was when I met you. When I understood what life was all about and why people stay up late at night thinking about that significant other”

The Two Of Us (Larry Stylinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora