Changing world

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Not the devil : Chapter 2

Klaus’s POV

It has been a thousand years since I lost my one and only love and best friend. I became a cold hearted killer and monster with no emotions. The only guilt I feel is bringing Clary to the woods that night I do not feel anything to the many victims that died in my hands. After the whole incident, I left Mystic Falls for Chicago but now I’m heading back to Mystic Falls to get the doppelganger so that I can build a hybrid army. I decided to drop by the old church to visit Clary’s grave. But as I walked to where the grave was supposed to be, I saw that it was dug up and the coffin was gone. I then spotted a vervain bracelet on the ground. Seems like its time to visit my dear doppelganger and the Salvatore brothers.

Clary’s POV

I woke up gasping for air as I glanced around my surroundings. An attractive guy with black hair looked at me suspiciously and broke the silence “Who are you? Why are you in this coffin? Why does Elijah visit your grave so often?”

The guy asked many questions and I waited for him to be silent before saying “ I am Clarissa Wayder, I have no idea why I am here, I thought I died in the woods that night and Elijah is here?! What is today’s date anyways?” A petite young girl with brown hair introduced herself as Elena and told me it was the 21st Century and that I was a vampire in transition so I have to drink from a human soon or I will die.

She proceeded to introduce me to the new world that was foreign to me, almost everything changed since the last time and I could barely take it all in. I changed from my white gown into Elena’s clothes that consists of a blood red dress that barely reach my knees. I attempted to cover myself for showing too much skin but Elena said that in the new century everyone dressed this way and it was normal.

When I came out of the room to the living room, the two guys turned around with their jaws dropped. “ Clarissa you sure do clean up well. Who knew those legs were under that dreadful gown” “Damon stop flirting with her now” Elena gave me a smile as she told me that Damon was the guy with black hair and her boyfriend Stefan was the one with gelled hair and both of them were vampires. The thirst in my throat was getting worst and Damon seemed to notice as he threw me a blood bag. I was hesitant as I lift the bag into my mouth, the blood trickled down my throat and quenched some of my thirst but I knew I was craving for something more, something like feeding from a human.

Klaus’s POV

I rang the doorbell to the Salvatore mansion as I wondered what they wanted with Clary’s coffin. Stefan answered the door as I grabbed his neck and held him against the wall

“Where is it? The coffin?” Someone pulled me away and i turned to glare at none other than the other Salvatore brother. “Damon Salvatore, Give me what i want or i will rip your dear brother’s heart now” 

Clary’s POV

I heard the doorbell ring and curiously peeked at the door as stefan and damon went to answer it. I saw my beloved Klaus and was about to approach as i saw him hold Stefan against the wall, choking him while threatening to rip his heart out. I remained on the couch lost in thought, what happened to the innocent polite Klaus that i used to know?

Elena reached out for me waking me out of my thoughts. She gave me a weak smile as she guided me to the door, mouthing her apologies. i looked up to see Klaus’s beautiful face in front of me.

His once hardened eyes soften when he saw me, reaching out for a hug. But i quickly looked away thinking about what he did a few seconds ago.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 15, 2014 ⏰

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