What have I done?

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Scarlet's P.O.V

I feel a huge rush to my head as I sit up fast, I look around my surroundings and realise I'm in bed.... NOT MY BED! Then who's bed am I in? I ask myself ,trying to register to what's going on. I lift the white sheet up to see my naked body, "shit what have I done?" I say out loud, I then hear a toilet flush, I start to panic a little not even remembering who I was with last night, I just hope it's not some psycho!

I feel the urge to lay back down and pretend to sleep, and that's exactly what I do. I hear the bathroom door open up, and foot steps coming towards the bed. The bed sinks in next to the space beside me, as he obviously lays back down in his bed! As this guy gets under the covers he moves close to my naked body, I then realise he's completely naked too! His genitals touching my side as he wraps his arms around me in an embrace, I can feel a lump in my throat that's screaming to get out. And it does, "get off me!" I yell in a whimper. "Hey baby, I thought you were awake" he says in a familiar low ,raspy voice. I look up to meet his gaze, and at that moment everything that happened from last night gushes back into my thoughts! "Shit!" is all I spit out as the realisation sinks in, deeply... "Scarlet, are you alright?" Harry says in a concerned tone. "Ah... umm I'm fine..." I say stuttering my words out. "Good" he smirks, as he slams his lush lips to mine, a moan escapes my mouth, as his hands grope my buttox. I feel as if I should be pushing him off me... But I don't... But why? I suppose I'm kind of enjoying his touch! Harry's hands are roaming my body, and it feels so good! "Harry, please... I need more, this is driving me insane!" I moan saying the words that slip out of my now very dirty mouth, as in the things I'm saying are dirty. Why does this man make me loose control of my actions?! Harry doesn't comply to my wants. "Fuck me now... is it to fucking hard to ask?!" I yell out, out of anger and sexual hunger! "Oh baby, if you want me to fuck you, I'll fuck you!" Harry says in such a sexy voice, that his words instantly make me very wet! As he said "if you want me to fuck you, I'll fuck you",he pulls my left leg up to allow a easier entrance to my opening, his finger tips brushing my thigh to keep my leg up. I'm definitely going to have a hard time walking after this! Harry places a wet rough kiss on my lips then giving me a smirk, and at that moment I knew he was gonna give me what I wanted! He slams into me with so much force, I cry out in pain from his penetration, "Oh Harry... fuck!" Harry moves thrusting in and out slowly but hard, I start moaning and whimpering softly as its starting to be pleasurable. My finger nails dig into his muscular back as he's thrusting in and out more rapidly. The headboard of the bed banging into the wall with each intense thrust Harry's giving me. The sensations he gives me are incredible, exciting, and definitely rememberable, as I keep getting flashbacks of the fucking he gave me last night. But last nights session was a little sloppy as we both were so drunk, but this time it's strong and powerful and I can't even express how tantalising theses feels are.

I can feel Harry starting to slow down a bit, as he must be getting close. "Har-ry... Please don't stop, just a little long... I'm almost there!" I say breathlessly. "Scarlet, don't worry I'm not gonna cum without you!" he says as he picks up the pace, AGAIN, making me moan out his name so loud, that Harry had to cover my mouth before someone complained about the noise... But I'm quick to remove it! "Har-ry... Oh Harry. Ah, oh fuck, fuck, fuck... YES!" I've cummed, all my wet, sticky goodness all over Harry's sharft. At that point, Harry lets out a muffled groan as he spills his jizz inside me! We slowly and breathlessly come down from our high, as Harry collapses beside me on the bed, panting like crazy... But so was I!

"Fuck Scarlet, your'e an Animal in bed!" Harry says looking at me with a despicable smirk on his face! "Don't worry, I like it" he says,letting out a cute chuckle. "You better like it!" I say with a giggle. "You were amazing Harry" I say a little shy sounding, "Thanks... You were better" Harry says ,then plants a kiss on my cheek, making me blush. Harry looks at his watch that's sitting on the bedside table beside me, and leans over having a look. "Shit... I've gotta go!" Harry says jumping out of the bed, searching for some clothes. "Why... where are you going?" I ask disappointedly , but curiously. "I have to go to the airport", "What, are you leaving?" I spit out angrily. "Erm, yeah I gotta go back to London to record some new tracks with the boys". "What a minute, you just fucked me like that and now your just gonna leave, just like that!" "Yeah... What do you want me to do, stay? Because I can't... here's the money to pay for the room." Harry hands me the money out of the pants he's pulling up, I take it out of his hand. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you... But this was just sex, its not like I'm gonna be your boyfriend or anything!" Harry says harshly while adjusting his top. "You know what?... Fuck you!" I say at the mere fact that I'm hurt not by his words, but by the thought of him ever touching me. "Just hurry the fuck up, and leave already!" and he does, he grabs his suitcase and leaves just like that!

I Put The 'F U' In Fun! (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now