The Tributes

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Before I know it, Jaephin and I are at the training centre, face to face with our fellow tributes. Finnick told us tomake allies, so as Jaephin wanders over to the district 1 tributes, I settle for 8. I see the girl tribute, a tall brunette chucking an axe around carelessly but with perfect aim, so I join her. The sword is my weapon, but I guess that axes can't be much different? Wrong. The girl who's name turns out to be Raych tries to teach me, but I'm rubbish so we decide to move on. Despite my longing for a sword, Finnick told us to avoid the weapons that we can yield the best, so we move onto camoflauge. Both tributes from 11 are there, fingering the bright paint they swirl on their skin. The girl moves on as we approach, and the boy viciously rejects our offer. By lunch the career pack has been formed. Both from 1 and 2, Jaephin, the girl from 3 and both from 6. They try to intimidate us, especially the district 12 tributes and the 12 year old from 5. I simply ignore them. Raych tries the same, but I notice the looks she gives them now and then. By the time we return to our floors we're exhausted.

Suprisingly Finnick isn't about, so we share our news with Mags who nods and smiles, and Saslie who comments on everything we say. Jaephin boasts about easily fitting in with the careers and I can't help comparing him to his brother, three years ago Finnick won his games at 14 with no allies apart from his deadly poison tipped trident and net. I'm almost certain the careers offered him into their pack and he declined. Unlike his obnoxious brother. Saslie leaves us at dinner and Finnick still isn't back so me, Jaephin and Mags dine together. Halfway through, mine and Jaephin's stylist's join us. Mine, a man named Reiliok is a genius, and I take a moment to appreciate the dress I wore on the parade. An elegant turquoise dress, with wave patterns lapping over my feet, shells and synthetic sand had decorated my hair and I remember feeling so comfortable and at home as I had blown kisses to the cheering Capitol.... I'm brought back to reality as a bedraggled Finnick Odair stumbles in. He's drunk. Very drunk. "Get me a drink." He slurs and collapses on a plush chair. Nobody moves, Saslie's face is brimming with sheer horror and she excuses herself. I watch her sharp heels as they clack across the floor, then I look back at Finnick. He's passed out and an avox attends to him. Reiliok and Treba ( Jaephin's stylist) depart and leave me, Mags and Jaephin alone once again. I can't help it. I burst into peals of laughter.  Reiliok, Treba,Saslie....all making excuses...only Capitol people. Honestly, Finnick hasn't got a disease, he's just a bit wasted.... I laugh out loud again, ignoring Jaephin's look of disgust. However Mags is amused and she grins a gummy smile.

After a few days of training, the most important day arrives. I'm a bundle of nerves, today we'll perform for the gamemakers. The day passes quickly,and before I know it, Jaephin has disappeared into the room where we'll perform. I'mnext. I look at the girl from 12, she's last. I can't even imagine waiting that long, with all the tension knawing away inside me. Then suddenly my name is being called. "Oceassa Hollaway." I say, bowing to the small panel of gamemakers. I make my way to the swords, which I have been itching to get my hands on all week, and pick up two. I swirl them around in the air, then throw them at a dummy, hitting the heart and an eye. I flip backwards for effect,only slightly stumbling. The man in the middle nods. "You may leave Miss. Hollaway." He says, and I bow again and scuttle out and into thelift to the District 4 floor. Everyone shuts up as I arrive, all twisting around to look at me. Finnick, Saslie, Mags, Jaephin. Finnick lowers his eyes first and Mags beckons me to sit. But I don't want to. I get the feeling that they had just been talking about me. I give them all withering looks, then storm into my room. I shower and wrap myself in a robe, then stumble out the bathroom choking on steam. I quickly dress in the same clothes as before, then I snuggle into bed. 

A bit later I'm awoken by Finnick. He leans on my door frame as he speaks. " The training scores." He says and leaves. I roll my eyes. How informative. All the same I leap out of bed and go tothe main room. I perch next to Mags, tucking my knees up tomy chin as I listen. The tributes Diamena+Ruben from 1 both get ten.The boy from 2 gets an eight, and his partner gets a seven. District 3 get a ten and a nine. Suddenly it's Jaephin and for an unknown reason I'm scared for him,but he gets a nine and lets out a big whoop. Lucky him. My tummy flips as my name is said. Then I'm hearing ten. TEN! I scream in joy. Jaephin's shooting me daggers with his eyes,but I don't care. Mags is hugging me, and for the first time I think, maybe I can do this. Maybe I can win these games. Raych gets a six, and one of the district 12 tributes actually gets a two.  Selfishly, I don't feel bad for them though, I'm still rolling in the glory of my ten. As I'm sitting down to eat, Finnick squeezes my hand. "Well done sugar." He whispers. But he doesn't sit with me. In fact he sits next to Jaephin,even though the two of them have been ignoring each other since this nightmare begun. "Decent score." He says, and Jaephin smirks.

"Same as you in your games right?" Finnick's smile disappears and his eyes cloud up, they remind me of a foggy night at sea. Mags says something unintelligible,but sense floods his pupils and he slowly nods his head.

"Right... and I won my games didn't I? So can you Jae, I believe in you." He says and they hug. Mags actually wipes a tear. I try notto choke as I replay Finnick's words. Basically he just killed me off.

I excuse myself and sit on my bed. It's understandable, Jaephin is Finnick's brother. Why wouldn't Finnick want him to win? I'm being irrational. I shouldn't be so upset but I am...I jump out of my skin as Finnick bursts into my room without knocking.

"Stop sulking." He says and I pout.

"I'm not sulking."  

 "What are you doing then?"  

I glare at him. "Go away Finnick."

 I don't have to look at him to know he's grinning.

 "See, I'm right."  He pauses and I murder him with my eyes. He laughs.

 " I came here to apologize though."

 "Cool."  I say sourly.

  " Oceassa."  All of a sudden he's serious.    "Jae's my little brother, and you..well you're fabulous. Do you know what it'slike, knowing one of you won't be coming home? I made the mistake of putting you before him, but at the end of the day, think about 'Sal'  was it? Imagine you were me." He leaves silently, and I feel scared. That was so out of charachter for Finnick. For the rest of the evening I'm confused, and I go to sleep with one question buzzing around in my head. Why would Jaephin Odair volunteer if he knew his brother would be dragged through hell and back?                                                                                                       

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