Love in the skys

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Pharah amari, the woman that you loved and the woman that loved you back. The two of you have been together for a while know but you haven't really done it yet. You wanted to fuck her so bad but there wasn't any good times to do so, with you still learning your superpowers and her training her troops, it was difficult to get the pussy. Anyway, you, pharah and the other agents was at Ilious defending the objective from talon as per usual. You was flying around with pharah blowing up talon agents that got near the objective.
"Ah, there's nothing like showing talon who's boss." You said with a smirk shooting lasers out you hands.
"Y/N, as much as I love you we have to be adults here ok." She said with that beautiful voice. You needed to fuck her.
After the mission was complete you all went back to the ship. The both of you was sitting next to each other talking.
"So.... When are we gonna do it?" You said.
"Y/N! We talked about this, when the time is right. Also, don't talk about it near our friends." You weren't listening. You gazed into them chocolate eyes, it was like you was in a trance of love.
"Well, can I at least have a kiss?" You said. She nodded and proceeded to kiss you. You quickly dragged her in and French kiss her. She widened her eyes trying not to make noise due to friends around. It took a minute before she gave in. You and pharah did this most of the way back to base.
"Ah, love! What a beautiful thing!" Reinheart said with pride. Ana didn't like this.
"Yeh well, he better treat my daughter properly." She said giving you an evil look. She didn't really like you for some reason.

After you all got to base you walked home with pharah. You loved her and she loved you too.
"Well pharah, what do ya want to do?" You said smiling at her. You hoped she would say sex or something similar to it.
"I have an idea Y/N. What about tomorrow you meet me on that cliff near the ocean. I have a surprise for you." She said with a sexual look. Which that said you both got home and drunk wine and had a chat for the rest of the night

A/N: the real lemon is up next. Prepare yourself!

Overwatch: pharah X reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now