Chapter One

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I was having a pretty good day, I had just returned from swim practice, which was always, interesting, and decided to go see the new Beauty and the Beast film. Now this didn't ruin my day. It has just destroyed my emotional stability for the rest of my life. That's what brings us to now, where I am curled in a tight ball under a pile of blankets and listening to the soundtrack on repeat. 

I stayed home from school today. I know it isn't like me but I'd rather stay home then walk around school and go to practice like a living zombie, though I don't know which would worry my teammates more, Zombie Rei or At Home Rei. I guess we just have to wait to find out.

I shuffled from under my blankets and grabbed a cup of tea that I had left on my nightstand, taking a sip although it had become rather cold, before retreating to my cave of everlasting solitude. Sighing, I pulled my butterfly blanket closer too my body and sung softly along to the song that was playing, Something There.

I must have drifted off at some point, because I was suddenly awoken by and over enthusiastic teenager whose hair was dripping with water, ripping my multiple blankets off my body, leaving me cold, with nothing but my butterfly pajama pants to attempt and keep me warm. 

"Rei why didn't you show up to practice! I ran straight out of the pool to make sure that you are okay, are you?" Only now did I notice he was also in his swimsuit.

"Nagisa, you're getting my floor all wet." I rolled my eyes as a few droplets from his hair hit my face and chest. "Go get a towel, waters dripping everywhere."  

He did as I said and returned a few moments later with a towel around his waist and his hair seemingly dry, by then I had pulled my blankets back around me and turned to look the other way. 

"Rei come on, talk to me, you seem sad." Nagisa said as he sat down on the side of my bed.

"I'm not sad Nagisa. don't worry yourself with it." I technically am not lying to him, sad isn't exactly what I would call my current state. 

"Then what are you? I know somethings up, you can tell me anything." 

I sighed and rolled over, but instead of looking at him, I pulled the blankets over my face. "I'm just... Emotionally distraught." my voice was muffled. I knew that. Do I care? No.

"What was that Rei?" Nagisa said and forced the blanket away from my face, he was now leaning down extremely close to my face.

"I said. I'm just emotionally distraught." 

Nagisa frowned, "But, why Rei? What happened?" he seemed very concerned, well, he should be. This is serious!

"Well um, I went to see The Beauty and the Beast after practice yesterday..." I started, but Nagisa being Nagisa, he cut me off.

"Wait wait, you missed a day of school, and, practice, because of a movie?"

"I know it sounds ridiculous but it was just so, wonderful! The acting, the music, I don't understand it, I wish I could be able to do something that beautiful."

Nagisa's previous frown soon curved into a bright smile. "Aw Rei that's so cute!" he said and poked my nose, "Oh, could I sleep over tonight? I'm tired and too lazy to go back home."

My face slightly dusted pink, but thankfully the room was dark so Nagisa couldn't exactly see it. "Uh, yea sure, you can borrow some clothes, I don't have an extra bed though..."

Nagisa smiled as he started to go through my draws. "That's okay! I don't mind sharing!" 

I rolled my eyes and turned around as he changed, snuggling into my pillows a bit and closing my eyes. 

Suddenly Nagisa flopped on top of me, making his way under the multiple blankets, and curling up into a ball at my side, slightly snuggling into my chest. 

Heat ran to my cheeks as I looked down at him, he had put on a pair of my boxers and an over-sized sweater, which he honestly looked incredibly adorable in. 

"Goodnight Rei." He said, exhaustion only now beginning to show in his voice.

I chuckled lightly, "Goodnight Nagisa."


I really hope that wasn't complete shit! I apologize for any mistakes for this is un-edited cos i'm a lazy shit. 

I got the idea for this after going to see the beauty and the beat to day, i still have not recovered and i doubt i will because that was the most beautiful thing ive ever seen. Emma Watson is a goddess. Bless.

After being emotionally distraught myself, i started thinking about Free! and i had the idea that Rei would be totally mesmerized by something like this movie because he is soft and needs to be protected. 

Anyways, i'm gonna try and add more to this story, but i loose motivation easily and i get writers block a lot so.... anyways! Hopefully you enjoyed! Have a nice day/morning/night 

~ A Dreary Hufflepuff

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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