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I put my hands on his chest and push back hard. He stumbles backwards, and I'm able to get out of his room. I slam the door behind me and sit on my bunk. It's not until then that I realize I'm no longer alone on this bus. I see a brown haired boy with blue eyes and chubby cheeks sitting on the bunk across from me, and standing by him is an extremely tall guy wearing a suit jacket over a tee shirt. Odd.

"Are you gonna kill us?" the baby faced one says. The other one replies before I can. "Who are you kidding Spencer, look at her, she probably couldn't kill you if she tried."

"Hey!" I fire back. "I don't like being talked about as if I'm not in the room, and for your information, I'm stronger than I look." The tall one chuckles. "Sure you are, princess." I groan and lay back on my bed. "So now I have to be with two douches for sixth months. Great." I mumble, not really concerned about whether or not he hears. "What did I do?" pipes in Spencer. "Oh, I wasn't talking about you." I reassure him. "I meant Brendon and that one," I gesture at the tall guy.

"Who the fuck are you anyways?" he says aggressively. "I'm your tour manager. I'm assuming you're the rest of Panic! At The Disco?" The one sitting down nods. I like him so far.

"What's your name?" Demands the-one-that-isn't-Spencer. "I think you should tell me yours first." I add this just to be argumentative. He narrows his eyes at me and crosses his arms. He doesn't answer until he sees that I'm not going to budge.

"It's Dallon."

I smile at him and extend my hand, which be shakes firmly. "Aspyn Smith, pleased to make your acquaintance."

His eyes widen.

"You're the girl Brendon met in Italy?" He says, looking me over. From the way his eyes trail over my body, I can only imagine the things Brendon must have told him. "So he's talked of me?" I say. Dallon shrugs. "Once or twice." Just then, Brendon's door swings open and he walks into the room. "Speak of the devil," I say under my breath.

"Alright fuckers, let's get this show on the road!" Brendon sing-songs as Zack walks back on to the bus and puts the keys in the ignition. At least he's here now.

As Zack pulls out of the lot, the three guys strike up a conversation. I walk up to the front of the bus so I can talk to someone who doesn't act like a sixteen year old on crack.

"Hey," I say, sitting on the couch nearest to where Zack is driving. He looks at me in the mirror and nods. He doesn't seem too chatty, so I lay down on the couch and pull out my phone. Eventually, I drift off into a sleep.

I'm woken up by a chorus of thunderous laughter coming from very close to my head. I open my eyes and see Brendon leaning over me with a marker in one hand and a beer bottle in the other. I only start to panic when I see that the pen is uncapped and dangerously close to my face.

I shoot up from where I was laying down and see that the other two guys are holding back laughs as well. As quickly as I can, I run around trying to find a mirror. "Hey Zack, where's the bathroom?!" I shout. "The little door just past the mini kitchen!" he replies. I run over to where he described and fling open the door. I step inside, finding that it's bigger than I expected, then stand in front of the mirror.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I yell, loud enough for all of the guys to hear. On my forehead in big, bold letters, Brendon wrote "I ♡ BRENDON URIE!" and then formally signed his name on my cheek. I look like a fifteen year old girl.

I grab the washcloth dealing over the neck of the sink and try to wipe it off. I rub until my skin is bright red, but I come out doing nothing but making it look like I'm blushing. I cross my arms over my chest and walk back into the lounge. All three of the boys burst into laughter when they see me. "I'm going to kill you!" I yell directly at Brendon. He puts his arms up in defense. "It was Spencer's idea, baby cakes."

I ignore the nickname and shoot my head over to Spencer. I give him the harshest scowl I can muster, which is a look I've perfected over years of practice. I thought that he was going to be my friend. I look to the front of the bus and see that even Zack is chuckling. The worst part is, I can't get any of them back because they all have a show tomorrow, and Zack would probably snap my neck if he had to turn over his band to the city of Seattle with sharpie on their face. I'll figure out a way to get them back. I might be small, but I'm awfully good at getting my way.

I stomp back over to my bunk and pull the curtain closed. I'm so frustrated that I can't fall back asleep. I lay awake staring at the bottom of the bunk on top of mine. It was dark when I got woken up, so it's got to be at least 7:30 now.

A few minutes later, I over here Brendon say something that alarms me. "You'd like to speak to Penny? I don't know anyone by that name. Oh, wait a second you mean...oh I think she's sleeping right now. Yeah sure, I'll let penny know her papa called her. Ok. Goodnight." I jump out of my bunk and run to the front of the bus. "Brendon, give me my phone back." I demand. He hands it over to me. "Gladly, Penny. Man, what a cute nickname." He smirks at me. "Yeah, and it's not one you're allowed to use. I barely let my dad get away with it."

He tries to move a hair away from my eyes like he did earlier, and I again seat his hand away. He quickly snakes his hand around my waist and pulls me toward him. "What's the matter Diamond? You didn't seem to mind me touching you when you were screaming my name all night long. Don't forget, that was just a few weeks ago."

I tried so hard not to let him get to me, but he's truly insufferable. I shove him away so hard that he hits the wall behind him. "Get over yourself, you piece of shit! Don't you remember that you were basically throwing yourself at me? Don't you remember how eager you were to get me to stay with you just one more night when I finally got away from you?" This causes his friends to start laughing. It's clearly not the same story that he had told them. "And last thing. My name is Aspyn. Not sugar, not honey, not babe, not baby cakes, not princess, not diamond, and definitely not Penny. Aspyn. I expect you to call me that, or you will regret it."

I turn around to finally go back to bed, when he feels the need to pipe up again. "Sorry about that...Angel."

I clutch my fist and turn around. I cock my arm back and throw it forward hard. I aim for his jaw and hit right where I wanted to. The second my fist makes contact with his skin, I feel my knuckle tear open. I know punching him is probably an over reaction, but let's just say I did it for me and for all of the girls he fucked with before me.

Brendon topples to the ground in a heap. I knocked him out. Dallon and Spencer run to his side to try and help him as he regains consciousness. "Jesus fucking Christ, she is gonna try to kill us! I told you Dallon, I told you!" Spencer whines while trying to help out Brendon.

Once he's up on his feet again, I can already see a purple and yellow bruise forming. He sits down on the couch and Dallon brings him a bag of frozen peas. I look over to Zack, who's smiling like crazy. "Aren't you gonna do anything about this?" Brendon yells up at him. He shakes his head. "Hate to say it man, but you were asking for it this time."

Mercurial (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now