Sick Of It Pt 1JB

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Authors note: may be offensive

"Seriously why do gays even exist?! All they do is Fuck and paint their nails," Jason's uncle scoffed.

I glared at Jason who was leaning on his left hand and picking at his food. I sighed and ate a little bit.

"God! I don't know What I would do if Jason or Ryan were Gay. God that's disgusting!" I frowned and looked at Jason who ate a little bit.

I cleared my throat. "What if someone is Bisexual?" I asked instantly regretting it. He scoffed. "That's almost worse."

I looked at my food not hungry. I can't keep this secret. I bet Jason isn't doing very well either.

"What would you do if your boss was Gay or Bi?" I asked in a whisper. He laughed. "I would quit my job as soon as possible I ain't working for no Fag."

I frowned. Fag. That's such an awful word. Especially Since I've been called that so many times. "YOU DON'T LIKE IT DO YOU?" Sue hissed. Oh, God. I thought I got rid of them.

I swallowed hard and gasped quietly almost crying. "Justin, what's wrong?" Jason asked quietly. "I'm sorry is it my Uncle? We can go up to our room." I shook my head.

"FAG FAG FAG FAG," Sue, Ana, and Cat chanted. I started crying. "Excuse us, Thomas," Jason said.

He picked me up and placed me on the bed. I hugged the pillow as tears streamed out of my eyes. "DIE FAG. CUT YOURSELF FAG. GO THROW UP FAG," They  said.

"Baby. Please tell me what's wrong," Jason sighed. I wiped my tears. "You're uncle, The voices, us. Just everything," I cried. "I'm sick of it."

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