Chapter 1:

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I sit down on my bed. There are a bunch of brutes in red outside. My father took the job as a soldier for the Templars, he started wearing red in their name. And he wears a Top Hat with a big plume on the side of it. My name is Vierge ( VI-ER-GE ) and I am about 12 years old. Father was talking to some of the other soldiers , father walked up the stairs .
I nearly fell off the bed when he came in , " sorry father! You scared me!" I said. He just shook his head and sat down next to me.
" heya kid, I'm proud of 'ya " he said as he looked away.
Oh no. For a year now I was getting into the officer program.
This offered young children to become officers in Paris, and all the districts. I live currently in Halles. But father hated officers, though he could never hate me.
" but Vierge , you might not be an officer. No one picks except the Templars themselves, so, please make me proud kid. Your either growing up to become a soldier, officer, Templar, or assassin . Or stay a civilian . "
I was shocked
" father! Please tell me your joking! WHY ARE THEY PICKING ASSASSINS?!" I literally screamed.
Fathers friends came up , Hugo, the big red solider holding a spear looked at me. Then he spoke " assassins have to flee as soon as they're picked, but..... Allard. What if she becomes assassin or officer?" Asked Hugo .
My father got up and growled, " Hugo, that's nonsense."

My father , Allard, looked back at me. I frowned and he hugged me. " good luck kid. I won't miss your competition." He kissed me on my head and ran out the door with the other soldiers.
I had to walk all the way to temple.

Here is what my life depends on

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