Winged kuriboh X Reader

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(Name) went to the beach as her vacation then in the evening she was walking near the ocean on the sand with her bare feet while she's holding her shoes and enjoys the nice comfortable weather then Winged kuriboh appeared next to her follows every of her step

Winged kuriboh: "Mm?"
Me: "Oh hey Winged kuriboh it's sure a nice day and weather isn't it"
Winged kuriboh: "Mmm!" He flies around her as a yes and she laughs a little
Me: "Winged kuriboh I'm glad i met you the day i was alone"
Winged kuriboh: "Mmm" he nods with his own smile eyes
Me: "Without you i couldn't have got any courage during my duels these days but I'm better than ever now that you're here with me"
Winged kuriboh: "mm~ mm~" he flies closer to her like her guardian and dear friend
Me: "hmhm say do you wanna play a game?"
Winged kuriboh: "Mm!" He nods once again
Me: "wanna play tag game?"
Winged kuriboh: "Mmm"
Me: "I'll take that as a yes" she pokes him with her only finger: "Tag you're it!" she runs forward and Winged kuriboh flies after her till he touched her shoulder with his palm hand
Winged kuriboh: "mm!" he calls it a tag she's it and he flies away
Me: "hey you got wings that's no fair!" She then runs after him with her all got while that she started to laugh because it's very fun to play with her dearest close friend and Winged kuriboh also enjoys the fun with her as these two would never break a part of their friendship.

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