1. Diary of a classy lady

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What's a classy woman like? You wonder.

A classy woman is a well-groomed lady with perfectly done up hair, makeup and nails, immaculately dressed in classic chanel suit, a fitted pencil skirt and matching accessories.

Is being classy all about appearance and a display of social status?well the answer is no.

Rule#1 -Good Mannerism
A classy lady is always well-mannered. She greets people in a friendly manner, she is generous with her smiles and is always ready to say,'sorry', 'please', 'thank you' and 'welcome' at the appropriate time. The moment where a woman utters expletives or talk like a public nuisance is when she is declaring to the whole world that she's a disaster. Being foul mouth and loud are TOP TABOOS! Avoid being rude and inconsiderate to others.

Rule#2 -Good Social Etiquette
This includes sitting upright and not slouching, not propping your leg up on the other like a man, talking whilst there's food in your mouth, eating with mouth opened, and yawning with mouth wide opened and uncovered. When talking to people always look straight into their eyes. Shifty eyes are a sign of disrespect. A woman of class is also mindful of putting her mobile phone aside and not fiddling with it while in the middle of a conversation. Good hygiene is also a part of her lifestyle. Therefore, no wiping of nose with sleeves, no body odors, no burping out loud in public, or worst still, spitting and nose-digging in public. SAVE YOURSELF THE DAMAGE!

Rule#3 -Thinking Before Speaking
A classy woman is certainly not one who babbles non-stop and let loose her tongue without any self-restrain. Gossiping and bitching about others are something that she doesn't participate in. Take note of the difference between sharing our problems and frustrations with others vs maliciously talking about people behind their back. While a lady has a right to have her own opinions and is free to express them, she also knows when to walk away from one if the argument turns heated. She does not need to win an argument just to prove her point. This doesn't mean she accepts defeat, she is simply a gracious lady by choosing to end the discussion instead of letting anger turn her into an ugly monster like her counterpart. A classy woman is mindful of what she speaks and NEVER LOSES HER COOL IN PUBLIC!

Rule#4 -Modesty Is A Good Virtue
Being modest is about being down-to-earth and humble. This means no diva-like antics, boastfulness and haughtiness coming from a classy lady will be accepted. She compliments with sincere gratitude, treats everyone with respect and sees no need to display power over anyone. This also applies to her dressing. She dresses not to impress, but to EXPRESS. She knows her body well enough to dress in a way that enhances her beauty. Something that will hide her flaws, fits her perfectly yet suites her style. Flamboyant dressing, over-the-top look, showing off too much skin and cleavage is almost a NO-NO. The purpose of showing skin is to enhance and not to attract attention, so it must be done appropriately and in good taste. A classy woman is a big fan of subtlety; she is confident enough to know that she doesn't need to dress loudly or be seen in the latest trends all the time to make a statement.

Rule#5 -Authenticity
A classy woman is free to be herself. She laughs heartily when she's joyful, cry when she's sad, empathize with those who are in pain and dances when she feels like it. She's non-pretentious, knows how to enjoy herself and embraces life with a positive outlook.

Rule#6 -Putting Best Face Forward
Stepping out of the house with a bare face is a rarity for a classy woman, unless she has perfect, flawless and even-toned skin, otherwise there will always be some makeup done to cover up their flaws. It is usually about hiding the dark circles, toning down the puffy eyes, putting some blusher and a dab of lipstick before stepping out of the house. It can even be a simple barely-there light makeup for a casual walk in the park. The key is to look light and healthy, not pale, tired and sickly.

Rule#7 -Confidence
Confidence is what sets a classy woman apart from a showy woman. Confidence is the foundational block, without it, it is almost impossible to live as a true classy woman. It means not having to play miss nice all the time just to get others' approval, not trying to manipulate or impress people, and certainly not putting others down and elevating oneself. It means being sure of your value and worth as a great woman NO MATTER WHAT people may say.

A classy woman knows how to embrace and bring out her feminity. She has her own thoughts and opinions and is not afraid to speak up at the right time, but also knows when is the appropriate time to step back and tone down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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